BGforgeNet / FO2tweaks

Fallout 2 tweaks
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[feature request] retroactive HP/SP #38

Closed bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 closed 5 years ago

bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 commented 5 years ago

If the player enables this option and permanently increases Endurance or Intelligence using surgery or perks then they retroactively gain the hit points and skill points appropriate for their level.

burner1024 commented 5 years ago

I would say maybe hit point gain makes sense, but not skill point. Also, I don't see any difference between permanent and temporary change, as well as between increase and decrease, it should really work in all cases. Can't promise, but I'll think about it.

bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 commented 5 years ago

If the player can gain/lose skill points from temporary intelligence changes then it will be possible for the player to end up with negative skill points in their pool. This is why I think SP changes should only be the result of permanent IN increases. I understand that you're not enthusiastic about it but I'm not the only player who would appreciate having this option available.

burner1024 commented 5 years ago

I decided to pass on this after all. Reasons: 1) Getting skill points retroactively doesn't make sense to me. Taking nootropics wouldn't compensate for missed classes at school. 2) HP changes from stamina/strength seem more plausible. However