BGforgeNet / FO2tweaks

Fallout 2 tweaks
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Run speed increase option #51

Closed bloodaxis closed 4 years ago

bloodaxis commented 4 years ago

I get a glgrunspeed error if I start the game without setting file override to 1 in ddraw.ini that comes with sfall by default on the steam version of fallout 2. With the file override set to 1 the option still doesn't seem to work, or at least I've set the speeds to 100+ and nothing seems to change.

burner1024 commented 4 years ago

1) This is a repo for Unofficial Patch. Not for FO2tweaks. 2) You are not supposed to set it to 100. It's 0 or 1, off and on. 3) Run speed for tribal/vault suite animations is not inreased. Only run speed for dude in armor and NPCs, and only up to tribal's run speed. 4) If you want to increase tribal's run speed, you can increase the speed of the game itself. That is done in sfall settings.

bloodaxis commented 4 years ago

Doh, serves me right for writing the issues when tired, also I meant that this is set to one, then the options at the absolute bottom were tweaked, didn't know the second one was just a toggle as well. I did try the actual speed with armor on though.

burner1024 commented 4 years ago

So, are you having any problem?

bloodaxis commented 4 years ago

If you're supposed to be able to increase the runspeed in heavy armor beyond the normal tribal runspeed then yes but if you can only increase it up to the tribal runspeed, then no.

burner1024 commented 4 years ago

If you're supposed to be able to increase the runspeed in heavy armor beyond the normal tribal runspeed then yes

Would you want to? Considering you can simply increase game speed instead?

Tribal fps is 20 and I think the lowest armored fps is 16, so this corresponds to 25% speed increase max for Chosen. For party, specifically NPCs that have no running animations by default, this should be far more noticable, as they will move twice as fast at times.

bloodaxis commented 4 years ago

It's mostly so I can make my character and the party a little bit faster without making every other npc zip around, but it's not a huge deal since the global speedup is there.

burner1024 commented 4 years ago

I guess I'll leave it as it is then. Wording changed in readme and ini to be more clear, hopefully.