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HP Over Head Performance Issue #56

Closed sanscriptum closed 4 years ago

sanscriptum commented 4 years ago

Using items on an NPC causes a minor hiccup. Fighting in an area with a lot of npcs can cause a hiccup as well. Item test clip: (Note a slight lag after the item has been used) Mods:
Fallout Update Pack DDraw v4.1.9.1 - Extended version (RP 2.3.3 + Fix Pack) Fo2tweaks v.11.1 Weapons Redone Endocore Essentials EcCo

Save+Log: Hiccup

How to reproduce: Just go ahead and use booze or beer on any npc nearby, you should notice a momentary delay after you do so. Trying to fight in those areas also causes a slowdown sometimes.

burner1024 commented 4 years ago

So if you disable this particular setting, the hiccup goes away? Even in situations without combat, like on video?

sanscriptum commented 4 years ago

Yup. If you disable HP over head, game acts as normal.

burner1024 commented 4 years ago

That's strange, considering that it only works in combat... And there's a lot of mods, I think overlapping, too, such as F2WR and EcCo. Maybe it's some side effect. I will try to reproduce.

burner1024 commented 4 years ago

Can't load your save. Which options did you choose during installation?

sanscriptum commented 4 years ago

Ah, sorry. It's kinda messy and it's been a long time since I did this, but I installed it in this order: Weapons Redone, Endocore Essentials, EcCo. If that doesn't help, I might drop you the archive with my entire game folder, save for master/critter dat as they should be default I think.

burner1024 commented 4 years ago

But Fallout Update Pack already contains Weapons Redone and EcCo, did you install them twice? I think I'm going to need your data, yes.

sanscriptum commented 4 years ago

I don't think so, it only contains a mod you can choose to install in addition to incremental changes UP has. You're not meant to use multiple mods though, but I asked the author and he said it should be fine using the order above, even if they conflict just a little bit.

Anyway, here it is:!04hxAAzY Key: cHB1zuirhiPPZxreHi1Xf0ceYLmTodXWA5QZfXR7ny8

burner1024 commented 4 years ago OK, how about this? (Into data/scripts)

sanscriptum commented 4 years ago

Okay, I put it into the scripts folder and enabled hp over head, it doesn't freeze anymore from using items on npcs, didn't try battles yet. I noticed weird floaters though like these, pointing at empty spots, and some npcs had no floaters even after getting injured. image

burner1024 commented 4 years ago

Try this Should clear ghost floaters. Regarding some NPCs missing them, how many there were? Max number of floaters is limited to 20, I think, so there's not going to be an ideal solution.

sanscriptum commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, yeah it seems to work fine now. Amount of floaters seems to be lower than 20 though and some npcs still don't have it. Maybe I'm not seeing the rest because I have line of sight setting enabled in the high res patch. But I guess it should work fine during random encounters with moderate amount of critters there.

burner1024 commented 4 years ago

You can attach a save and a screenshot and point out which NPCs are missing it, and I'll see whether it can be optimized.