BGforgeNet / FO2tweaks

Fallout 2 tweaks
115 stars 10 forks source link

Request: Adding a slightly modified HOOK_REMOVEINVENOBJ - Will run AFTER moving items between inventory slots in dude interface. #66

Closed zorchar closed 3 years ago

zorchar commented 3 years ago

Hey sfall developers.

I was wondering if it would be possible for you guys to make a duplicate HOOK_REMOVEINVENOBJ, only it will run after moving items between inventory slots in dude interface?

I'm in the process of scripting a mod which will add a weighted item to dude's inventory, according to how many stimpaks, nuka-colas, beer bottles etc' dude is carrying (to prevent it from becoming same as regular money and other exploits, and for balancing purposes), and it would really be helpful for me.

The specific problem I'm having is that when trying to calculate how many items I have in my inventory, the calculation is done before the last action, so the calculation misses the last item(s) switched/moved.

Thanks in advance.

burner1024 commented 3 years ago

This request should be directed to sfall repo.

zorchar commented 3 years ago

Thanks, Burn.