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Skynet does not auto level even though party level matching is on #70

Closed Question2 closed 3 years ago

Question2 commented 3 years ago

I've managed to auto level up sulik and myron with this mod, but skynet (with the cyberntic brain) does not. Talking to skynet multiple times does not get any level up messages at all.

When I recruited Myron, i just had to talk to him and he would level up to the next stage everytime he exited dialog. I recruited Skynet at level 20, but he won't level up to match my level and hes still at the base 115 hp.

I have run speed set to 1 in the .ini but skynet does not appear to have a run animation either.

; party npc level will match player level more closely party_level_match=1

[run_speed] ; You can enable run speed increase for the Chosen, party, or both. dude=1 party=1

Using killap's RP 2.3.3 by the way.

Question2 commented 3 years ago

Save right before i assembled skynet.

burner1024 commented 3 years ago

Check the instruction. Need debug.log. One issue per problem.

Question2 commented 3 years ago


This is immediately after i activated skynet and tried talking to him several times.

Using sfall v4.2.8, restoration project 2.3.3 and fo2tweaks 12.4.

Does the savegame work for you?

burner1024 commented 3 years ago

This one should work

Question2 commented 3 years ago

@burner1024 : Thanks, skynet did level up 3 times at level 20. But will it max out properly? Because skynet in the RP was changed so that it actually has 6 stages, not 5 (not sure if this is intended).

The first stage is actually a generic robobrain instead of the cybernetic brain stage 1. When recruited at level 20, skynet only levels up to stage 4 (179 hp) and hes supposed to max out at stage 6 (210 hp). I dont think he will level up to stage 6 by level 24.

This is skynet's data in RP's party.txt by the way :

[Party Member 12] ; pMRoboBrain_PID -- Cyberbrain party_member_pid=16777295 // This is the generic robo brain which is created when you first activate skynet area_attack_mode=always, sometimes, be_sure, be_careful, be_absolutely_sure attack_who=whomever_attacking_me, strongest, weakest, whomever, closest best_weapon=no_pref, melee, melee_over_ranged, ranged_over_melee, ranged, unarmed chem_use=clean distance=stay_close, charge, snipe, on_your_own, stay run_away_mode=none, coward, finger_hurts, bleeding, not_feeling_good, tourniquet, never disposition=none, custom, coward, defensive, aggressive, berserk level_minimum=10 level_up_every=4 level_pids= 16777565,16777566,16777567,16777568,16777569 // This is the vanilla stage 1 to 5, so in total there are 6 stages including the starting stage when you first activate skynet

burner1024 commented 3 years ago

It's actually sfall change, not RP. It used to be configurable, and now it's not. Party.txt is the same between UPU/RPU with exception of new NPCs. He levels up to 197, just talk again.

Nevertheless, it might be beneficial to change ini format to support custom party.txt and also do all levelups in one go.

NovaRain commented 3 years ago

What used to be configurable?

burner1024 commented 3 years ago


Ideally, the script would read party.txt dynamically, but I don't see an easy way to do that when it's packaged into dat. fs_x functions are binary.

NovaRain commented 3 years ago

Huh? All it does is to increase the memory allocated for the proto records and make the engine check 6 levels at max, what it has to do with the level match script?

burner1024 commented 3 years ago

It's just a clarification to

Because skynet in the RP was changed so that it actually has 6 stages, not 5 (not sure if this is intended).

Question2 commented 3 years ago

Just tested at level 25 and skynet was able to level up to 210 hp, looks like its working now.

I dont understand why sfall changed the brainbot to start as the generic robobrain though (which has much lower stats compared to the stage 1 version).

NovaRain commented 3 years ago

I dont understand why sfall changed the brainbot to start as the generic robobrain though (which has much lower stats compared to the stage 1 version).

sfall doesn't change it. That's how it was set up in the first place (it's the same even in party.txt from vanilla 1.02d), not sure what are you talking about.

burner1024 commented 3 years ago
  1. Skynet hasn't been changed by anything.
  2. 6 stages is correct, but stage numbers start from 0.
  3. I'm working on a less confusing nomenclature for fo2tweaks.ini