BGforgeNet / FO2tweaks

Fallout 2 tweaks
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Compatibility with ettu #76

Closed Lexx2k closed 3 years ago

Lexx2k commented 3 years ago

gl_g_trunk_space.ssl only checks for the Fo2 highwayman trunk right now (PID 455).

You can make Fo2Tweaks fully compatible (as far as I am aware right now) with ettu if you add a proto check for item PID 532 - if this one is of container type, it is very likely the ettu motorcycle trunk. You can then adjust PROTO_CN_MAX_SIZE on that item instead and it should work without issues.

burner1024 commented 3 years ago

sure, will release when new sfall gets released

FakelsHub commented 3 years ago

In ettu, you should change the prototype 532 to 455 since this prototype used in engine functions.

Lexx2k commented 3 years ago

What engine functions? I never noticed a difference.

Back in the days I've added it as new proto, because i wanted to add more vehicles for lolz down the line. It turned out to be harder than expected, though, which is why I didn't pursue it further yet (needs a dedicated vehicle system, imo, best case via a single global script per vehicle).

FakelsHub commented 3 years ago

type = get_proto_data(pid, PROTO_TYPE) bwand 0x11110000; ????? что это за порнография) "защита от дураков" на всякий случай если кто-то всунет в предметы прототип от стен/декорации? можно сделать скрипт проще.

foreach pid in pids begin
   if ((pid > 0 andAlso pid < 0x1000000) andAlso get_proto_data(pid, PROTO_IT_TYPE) == PROTO_IT_TYPE_CONTAINER) then begin
       set_proto_data(pid, PROTO_CN_MAX_SIZE, 99999);
       ndebug(pid + " space set to 99999");