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Fallout 2 tweaks
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Add Ukrainian translation #80

Closed IllusiveMan196 closed 2 years ago

IllusiveMan196 commented 2 years ago

Two unpoified game message files are broken for some reason, so requires fix (relevant strings are in .po file), third file is thankfully fine.

burner1024 commented 2 years ago

what specifically is broken?

IllusiveMan196 commented 2 years ago

g_level15.msg text should be {1}{}{Ви отримуєте 9500 очок досвіду, бо ви брудний читер.} but instead it is {1}{}{�� �������� 9500 ���� ������, �� �� ������� �����.} same with g_map_hotkey.msg {1}{}{Ні... гадаю я краще сходами.} and unstead we get {1}{}{ͳ... ����� � ����� �������.} No idea why as bigger g_healing_revision.msg shows up fine.

burner1024 commented 2 years ago

Well, msg files are not supposed to be in UTF-8. They should be in corresponding windows encoding (cp1252 for western european, cp1251 for russian, etc), so that's why they appear like this. I don't know what encoding does windows use in ukranian, though.

Anyway, how do you plan to use this translation in game? Because as far as I know, there's no Ukranian translation for Fallout itself?

FakelsHub commented 2 years ago

У игры нет шрифта который бы поддерживал русскую кирилицу со специфичными символами используемые в укр. словах. А нет шрифта потому, что никому в здравом уме не приходило в голову переводить игру на укр. язык.

IllusiveMan196 commented 2 years ago

Anyway, how do you plan to use this translation in game? Because as far as I know, there's no Ukranian translation for Fallout itself?

Well, the game itself may be a bit problematic, but Restoration Project can be translated. Graphics and other resources may be harder as well - haven't worked with the files like these before. If it can't be included and/or there are no plans to, just close this PR and forget about it.

burner1024 commented 2 years ago

RP contains all the text of the original game, plus some. Some localizations include graphics, some don't, it's pretty much whatever is available, and anyone can send pulls with missing stuff if they want. But as mentioned, first you'll need fonts for displaying the characters in game (also shouldn't be too hard, can probably use russian font as base and copy missing characters from fonts of other languages). And second, you'll need a translation of the base game, which is a gargantuan task (although maybe could re-use russian to some extent, I don't know.)

So... it can be included. It's not really a question of plans, just completeness/usability of the localization. For new languages, mostly people just start a translation for some project on, and eventually it gets included. Is it your plan? To have the entire game translated?

IllusiveMan196 commented 2 years ago

Maybe. Still have other projects waiting. RP has like 50k strings, which is a lot (for comparison Wrye Bash sits around 2-4k depending on where to get numbers from) but doable, not in one go though.

As for fonts: pretty much everything except for "є" is covered by existing fonts. Hard "г" can be ignored as barely any words actually use it (+ they aren't common in games), "і" exists in latin alphabet, "ї" as well, if it's not used in game, then use "іі" perhaps?

burner1024 commented 2 years ago

As for fonts: pretty much everything except for "є" is covered by existing fonts. Hard "г" can be ignored as barely any words actually use it (+ they aren't common in games), "і" exists in latin alphabet, "ї" as well, if it's not used in game, then use "іі" perhaps?

I wouldn't know, I have no knowledge of Ukrainian.