BGforgeNet / FO2tweaks

Fallout 2 tweaks
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fo2tweaks molotov_fire=1 makes molotov to not explode when missed, hit the door, empty cell #81

Closed tnevolin closed 2 years ago

tnevolin commented 2 years ago


Installed RPU + EcCo + FO2Tweaks as described in this post. Did not install latest sFall on top of above.

FO2Tweaks settings

Observed bug

Vanilla behavior

Grenade explodes regardless of whether it hits any target.

Expected FO2Tweaks behavior

Grenades (including Molotov) can be thrown anywhere. Molotov delivers fire damage instead of explosion.

Everything else should stay as in vanilla including grenade exploding regardless whether it hits the target.

Observed FO2Tweaks behavior


Attached a save game but it is easy to reproduce. It also seems to be save game compatible so can be tried on previous save game.

In all the above Molotov won't explode and will appear as an item where it fell.

burner1024 commented 2 years ago

There was a bug like this in the initial version, it was fixed. Not sure, maybe something's changed in sfall. What's your sfall version? Can you reproduce this without ecco?

tnevolin commented 2 years ago

I didn't install sFall separately at any step. Whatever sFall version I have came with either RPU or EcCo.

Let me try this without EcCo.

tnevolin commented 2 years ago

RPU + Tweaks - no bug RPU + EcCo + Tweaks - bug RPU + EcCo + Tweaks + sfall_4.3.1 - bug

I have installed sfall the same way as in mentioned post: everything except ddraw.ini.

tnevolin commented 2 years ago

Attaching save and corresponding log when I loaded, threw Molotov to empty tile (it didn't explode), then quitted the game. debug.log

There are some errors in it but I wouldn't understand if they are related.

burner1024 commented 2 years ago

I see. Ecco also does Molotov fire, so probably there's from interference. You said you wanted to do some modding? I think investigating this could be a good exercise to get started :).

tnevolin commented 2 years ago

I don't mind. Can you tell me how to set it up? I never did it before so any help in infrastructure setup will speed my start tremendously.

Are there good resource on FO2 modding on internet?

How can we communicate other than here?

burner1024 commented 2 years ago

These questions are really better suited for a forum (and most of them are answered on the forums already). See NMA, BGforge. I'm going to close this, as I think that FO2tweaks is doing things right, and it's EcCo that needs to be updated for compatibility. Although if you find evidence that this is not the case, feel free to add info and we'll revisit.

NovaRain commented 2 years ago

Try removing EcCo's and see if molotovs work OK.