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Fallout 2 tweaks
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improved_grenades for flares and homemade grenade #84

Closed tnevolin closed 2 years ago

tnevolin commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible to extend improved_grenades behavior (ability to throw at any hex) to flares and homemade grenades? Thank you. Homemade grenades are EcCo crafted explosives.

Lexx2k commented 2 years ago

It's just a config setting. You can add the item proto IDs to the weapons array in the fo2tweaks.ini file.

; frag (Sonora), frag (vanilla), plasma, pulse, molotov, holy hand, M79 (ecco), MGL (ecco)
burner1024 commented 2 years ago

Yes. However, flare is not a grenade and doesn't explode, so I'm not sure whether there will be any funny business with it. Feel free to try and let me know. I don't think flares are supposed to be used as weapons, anyway, so it might be a good occasion to make this change.

tnevolin commented 2 years ago

Right. Flares are not the weapon but there is no other way to throe them on a tile except "attack" that tile. Same way as with grenades. I'll try it out. Thank you.

They work fine. No problems.