BGforgeNet / FO2tweaks

Fallout 2 tweaks
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Suggestion: Please make HP display_over_head toggleable in-game #89

Closed palunglaut closed 2 years ago

palunglaut commented 2 years ago

I dont need to see enemies' hp, but sometimes i want to quick check companion's hp in the middle of battle and i dont have awareness perk. Even if i take awareness perk, i must check on each one every time. So if this function is toggleable i can see their hp a moment and then turn it off again.


burner1024 commented 2 years ago

Do you mean a key tap on/off toggle feature? Or single float on key tap (lasts like any other float)? Or "display while key pressed" toggle?

palunglaut commented 2 years ago

key tap on/off or display when pressed is ok.

burner1024 commented 2 years ago Extract this into data/scripts. Also see changes to ini