BGforgeNet / Fallout2_Restoration_Project

Fallout 2 Restoration Project, updated
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Adjusting orthography for combatai.msg. #153

Closed Anarcho-Bolshevik closed 1 year ago

Anarcho-Bolshevik commented 1 year ago

Here are some modifications that I made to the orthography.

NovaRain commented 1 year ago

Fallout 2 is a 1998 game and does not support UTF-8 text file, so for Kitsune's combat messages the slang "Cào!" probably won't display correctly (under ASCII encoding your edited file doesn't show the correct à).

Anarcho-Bolshevik commented 1 year ago

I can assure you that the à was present in the original file, otherwise I would have left such an alien word like that alone!

NovaRain commented 1 year ago

I can assure you that the à was present in the original file, otherwise I would have left such an alien word like that alone!

I know it's present in the original text file, what I mean is your text editor probably converted its encoding to UTF-8 and you didn't notice that. so the character is actually garbled in ASCII encoding: (Left: original, Right: msg file from your pull request) encoding

How it's displayed in the game: (Up: original, Down: msg file from your pull request) scr00001

Anarcho-Bolshevik commented 1 year ago

Sigh… all right, I updated the file. Is it fixed now?

NovaRain commented 1 year ago

Sigh… all right, I updated the file. Is it fixed now?

No, still garbled text. compare Here's the file with character encoding fixed:

You should check the settings of your text editor, see if there's some auto-conversion or similar feature that needs to be disabled, and make sure the text encoding is Windows-1252 for English if you're going to do more orthography fixes. Or you can check your edits in game to see if something goes wrong.

Anarcho-Bolshevik commented 1 year ago

What? Why are you showing that version again? I translated the characters like you told me.

Lexx2k commented 1 year ago

It's not what the file visually shows. It needs to be encoded differently. Are you editing via github web editor? If so, that will very likely break the encoding.

That said, I'm not sure if I agree with all of your changes. Some things are clearly done the way they are for style or speech habits.

NovaRain commented 1 year ago

What? Why are you showing that version again? I translated the characters like you told me.

Your edit doesn't really "translate" those Unicode-encoded characters back to their original encoding (one character takes one byte), instead you just split them into multiple bytes. For example the é character was 0xE9, in your file it's 0xC383C2A9 (4 bytes).

Also, those "verified" labels make me wonder if you're doing all the text editing with GitHub's web editor. If yes, please don't use it. Get a real text editor to edit msg files on your computer and then commit them via git.

Anarcho-Bolshevik commented 1 year ago

Are you serious…? GitHub’s interface is so clunky that it can’t even accomplish something as basic as handling character sets properly…? Wow. This website is even worse than I thought. But don’t worry, I’ll shitcan this thread, then you won’t have to care about it anymore. You are welcome.

Lexx2k commented 1 year ago

lol, someone's a bit sensitive over there.

You have to use the desktop / software version to checkout the files, edit them with notepad, and then push them back up. That's simply how it is and not our fault.

burner1024 commented 1 year ago

I suggest VScode for editing the files.

Anarcho-Bolshevik commented 1 year ago

Take three:

I didn’t use Github to make this, so hopefully this one will actually be useful. (Also, I left the extra full stops, question marks and exclamation marks alone even though I think that they’re redundant. I left most of the ellipses alone, too.)