BGforgeNet / Fallout2_Restoration_Project

Fallout 2 Restoration Project, updated
543 stars 37 forks source link

Louisville Slugger Bugged #157

Closed Nematocyst closed 1 year ago

Nematocyst commented 1 year ago

Sulik won't equip the Louisville Slugger even preferring to go barehanded than equipping this weapon.

Sulik had no weapons and I kept pushing to equip his best weapon and it remained at none.

image image


Mods: Miria mod, NR Perkrate, Home Sweet Home, FO2 Tweaks, RPU latest version

NovaRain commented 1 year ago

It's normal because Sulik does not have the "club" weapon animation (he can't equip cattle prod or crowbar either). NPCs cannot equip a weapon if they don't have the corresponding animation set. When you ask your party members "what kind of weapons can you use?", their answers are not only just some character background setting but also a hint of their available weapon animation sets.

burner1024 commented 1 year ago

Correct, so unless new anims come along, this stays as is.