BGforgeNet / Fallout2_Restoration_Project

Fallout 2 Restoration Project, updated
543 stars 37 forks source link

Stop Brahmin raids does not complete #170

Closed Walayimuna closed 1 year ago

Walayimuna commented 1 year ago

What happened

I accept the quest to stop the Brahmin raids. Deathclaws enter the map, Deathclaws speak, Character is teleported to the mid-north area of the map Character says 'talking deathclaws, that's weird'

And nothing happened, regardless of my outdoorsman skill, there is no option to follow the Deathclaws, the area north-east of the map remains blocked by stones, if I return to Westin or the Ranch Foreman, they ask if I finished the job, only option is No, and I can't return to the pastures, even if I try to do that by pressing 6 on NCR region map.

What you expected to happen



burner1024 commented 1 year ago

I can't reproduce. Try collecting a full report with ZAX.

Walayimuna commented 1 year ago

I'll try that, thank you

Walayimuna commented 1 year ago

Is this what you need?

burner1024 commented 1 year ago

Yes. Upon loading your save, I have this message in PDA, do you see it too? Captura desde 2022-12-08 08-22-17

Walayimuna commented 1 year ago

I do not

Walayimuna commented 1 year ago

I'll try to record it

Walayimuna commented 1 year ago

I can't upload the video here, it's too big, 26 MB

burner1024 commented 1 year ago

This is strange. I don't see anything obviously wrong.

Walayimuna commented 1 year ago

The quest message does not appear for me on the video, I don't know why it is not recording full screen, I played the game twice and it happened both times, was the only quest in the entire game I could not finish

Walayimuna commented 1 year ago

Is there anything else I can do ?

burner1024 commented 1 year ago

Do you have another PC you could try this save on?

Walayimuna commented 1 year ago

I do not =/

burner1024 commented 1 year ago Extract this into data/scripts and try the encounter again. It's not a fix, just debug. Let's see what it prints on the pda.

burner1024 commented 1 year ago

Feel free to add any new info.