BGforgeNet / Fallout2_Restoration_Project

Fallout 2 Restoration Project, updated
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Disabling Hi-Res patch makes camera/edge/scroll behavior to be broken #207

Closed Dergash closed 11 months ago

Dergash commented 1 year ago

What happened

Disabling Hi-Res patch makes camera/edge/scroll behavior to be broken.

The most obvious example is the first locatin of Temple of Trials, you can't go pass the first room because the camera simply won't scroll hitting an invisible edge on the top of the screen. Reproducible both when installing RPU_26 on original Fallout edition (taken from Internet Archive) and on GoG version.

What you expected to happen

Camera should not be blocked and I should be able to scroll all the way to the door.

Looks like RPU does some changes to the map edges that are tuned for hi-res patch which are not disabled when the hi-res patch itself is disabled.


Srolling blocked with Hi Res disabled: bug1

Scrolling is not blocked after removing Fallout2\mods\rpu.dat: bug1-expected


Lexx2k commented 1 year ago

The HRP is an integral part of most Fo2 mods nowadays. You can't just disable it and expect things to work as usual. If you want to play in 640x480px resolution, just set the HRP to that.

burner1024 commented 1 year ago

Is there any reason why you can't use hi-res patch in 640x480?

burner1024 commented 11 months ago

I guess there isn't.