BGforgeNet / Fallout2_Restoration_Project

Fallout 2 Restoration Project, updated
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Game Crash when selecting body part in VATS #247

Closed RyuAzuku closed 4 months ago

RyuAzuku commented 8 months ago

Game crashes when using VATS in combat. Consistent with using VATS but appears random in the amount of attacks/time it takes to cause the crash, sometimes it's the first few hits, most of the time it's 5 or so minutes into combat. Game crashes immediately after selecting a location to hit while in VATS.

Game does not crash in combat when NOT using VATS.

EDIT: with more testing I have found that just combat in general will cause my game to crash, specifically when an enemy dies.

Current Location: Vault 15 fighting the Khan Leader and guards(but it can happen anywhere combat happens)

Steps I do to reproduce:

  1. Only attack using VATS(can still happen if you do a mix of VATS and non VATS combat, but will always crash when selecting a spot with VATS)
  2. Swap between using gun/melee on a target(using one or the other exclusively can still cause the game to crash)
  3. Continue this over and over again until you get a crash.

Programs used: Current Restoration Project Build(v28) Sfall Dev Build referenced in issue #246 by user NovaRain

Mods used from Nexus: Talking Heads Mod (24 Aug 2023) Talking Heads Actualy Talk (15 Jul 2023) Classic Fallout GOD MODE Cheat File (09 Nov 2021) *loaded on character creation/not sure what program they used to create

--Included debug.log and save file in ZIP format-- debug.log SLOT05

burner1024 commented 8 months ago

Nothing in the log, and can't reproduce. I think try older sfall: 4.3, 4.2, 4.1.

Also try pressing ctrl-c while on crash window, it should contain crash dump, if you're able to get it, please paste here.

RyuAzuku commented 8 months ago

Just the generic memory crash, not very verbose.

_--------------------------- Application Error: B:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 2\fallout2HR.exe

The instruction at 004107b8 referenced memory at 06029074 The memory could not be read from

Click on OK to terminate the application


I'll try an older version of sfall and see if that helps out.

RyuAzuku commented 8 months ago

I tried using different versions of sfall but I can no longer test anything since I cannot load my saves without the game crashing(sfall's readme says to only replace ddraw.dll when using rpu), this time the crash window can't be copied but all it says is that the application terminated itself.

burner1024 commented 8 months ago

OK, well, thanks for trying.

NovaRain commented 8 months ago

If the crash is always the memory address above (004107b8), it happens in pick_death engine function. I'd suspect some HOOK_DEATHANIM1/HOOK_DEATHANIM2 related script screwed up. Try removing those 3rd party talking heads mods and see if the crash can still be reproduced.

RyuAzuku commented 8 months ago

@NovaRain I haven't really payed attention to the addresses when the game crashes, give me a couple of minutes and I'll check it out.

edit: and I'll try without the talking heads mods as well

RyuAzuku commented 8 months ago

@NovaRain alright update, the address in the crash is the same every time, and it still pops up even after removing the Talking Heads mod

NovaRain commented 8 months ago

Can't reproduce the crash here (w/o mods). What's the version of your Fallout2 game? (Steam/GOG/EPIC/etc. and the language)

RyuAzuku commented 8 months ago

most up to date steam version, and english

RyuAzuku commented 8 months ago

New things attempted:

  1. New Save(same mods) made sure not to save during combat
  2. Re-Installed Fallout 2/restoration project into new folder not in ProgramFilesx86(2 different saves one with same mods one without)
  3. Tried running Fallout2HR.exe as administrator both in original copy/new copy of restorationproject

Still getting that crash with and without the mods/re-installed into a new area on my ssd, still getting the same crash.

**Thing to note that I forgot to mention, I did enable the infinite carryweight as well as autodoors in the f02tweaks.ini

RyuAzuku commented 8 months ago

Another Update: the same exact crash CAN still happen outside of VATS , I had gotten so engrossed with testing this out with VATS that I didn't properly test non-vats combat enough. Given enough encounters OR a long enough fight this crash WILL still occur without VATS. I can play the game significantly longer without a crash though.

burner1024 commented 8 months ago

Does it happen as someone dies, or there are other cases?

RyuAzuku commented 8 months ago

@burner1024 Actually yeah it's pretty much around the death of something. When in combat it's usually around a few times after hitting a dude when he's close to death. Also my initial post where I mentioned that it could happen at the first attack the testing was done on rats, which can die on a single hit.

Something to note though, in my testing I've gone through the Temple of Trials 4 times and never once got a crash even when targeting in VATs and while one-tapping nearly all enemies. All crashes on all saves happen in areas with more than 3-4 enemies at a time, though I haven't had enough time to test sparse encounters(1-2 enemies only besides temple of trials).

*Also I just realized that my last post may have been a little confusing. It's still only combat just not using VATS

burner1024 commented 4 months ago

Please try with latest sfall. If still crashes, add new save and log and guide to reproduce.