BGforgeNet / Fallout2_Restoration_Project

Fallout 2 Restoration Project, updated
542 stars 37 forks source link

Display correct Swift Learner exp bonus in messages #275

Closed NovaRain closed 3 months ago

NovaRain commented 3 months ago

Since the display from non-scripted (engine) cases is already fixed in sfall, I think the scripted message should follow the same suit.

burner1024 commented 3 months ago

Cool, thanks!

phobos2077 commented 3 weeks ago

This missed a few places throughout the code where exp is gained without using this macro. They can be found easily by searching "You gain" string in game texts.

Also I guess the modified swift learner bonus is not taken into account? You can change it with set_swiftlearner_mod.

NovaRain commented 3 weeks ago

Took a quick glance, the missing ones should be: UP: kcsmily, kstill, obj_dude, scofjack, vault13 RP: abdeathc, abhealer, abmax, ahmonk (these are worse because the numbers are written directly in message lines, need to split them.)