BGforgeNet / Fallout2_Restoration_Project

Fallout 2 Restoration Project, updated
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[Not a bug report] Explosion animation added by RP #281

Closed DondeEstaTuHallPass closed 2 months ago

DondeEstaTuHallPass commented 2 months ago

As the title says, this isn't report, but rather a request.

RP seems to have changed the explosion animation to that of massive, long lasting blast smoke, as oppose to tiny, 5 frames-or-so explosion from the original. Is there any way to disable the newly added explosion animation?

NovaRain commented 2 months ago

Extract the following files from art\misc\ from master.dat:


And put them in your data\art\misc\ directory.

burner1024 commented 2 months ago

do you have comparison screenshots?

NovaRain commented 2 months ago

Vanilla explosion (expa.frm): expa-orig RP explosion (expa.frm): expa-rp If memory serves, those RP explosions are converted from Tactics, just like the removed Environmental Armor critter set.

burner1024 commented 2 months ago

I like the second one. But yeah, we can separate it into a component.

Lexx2k commented 2 months ago

Problem is that the 2nd duplicated 6 or what times on every explosion, which makes it look bad. If it would play only once, the situation might be different.. but the way it is right now is just really terrible looking.

phobos2077 commented 2 months ago

Wow, and I thought why these explosions look so bad for all these years (especially that black smoke in the last frames). I don't even know how vanilla game looks anymore. Definitely needs to be optional.

The original explosion seems to be designed for how explosion patterns work in the game. This new explosion looks like it was supposed to be used standalone, and not as a pattern.

PS: sfall allows to change explosion pattern and frmID with a script command. Maybe having this big explosion as separate frmID could be useful, but that should probably be reserved for a specific mod that uses it. So in conclusion - better to revert to vanilla and make these new FRMs be off by default in the installer.

burner1024 commented 2 months ago

that makes sense

DondeEstaTuHallPass commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the answer. I was going to ask whether extracting those files would also 'revert' the new plasma grenade explosion from RP, and that seems to be the case.