BGforgeNet / Fallout2_Restoration_Project

Fallout 2 Restoration Project, updated
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Cassidy's voiceline cuts off w/ female character #287

Open DondeEstaTuHallPass opened 2 months ago

DondeEstaTuHallPass commented 2 months ago

When asked for questions to Cassidy as a female character while having Myron in the party, Cassidy's voiceline sort of cuts off as he will not say all of his dialogue that are listed, but rather, what I assume only the additional dialogue variant added just for the female character.

Sorry for the link. I couldn't record his dialogue as a video under 10MB file size limit.

burner1024 commented 2 months ago

It's a combined line. Sound's there. I assume it's an engine issue.

NovaRain commented 2 months ago

Maybe combine the voice of Cas0302 and Cas0303 as the new Cas0303 (need a new lipsync)? i.e. msg 303 will be a full dialog line for female PC. Or a more quick-n-dirty way: just make Cassidy say only msg 302 for both genders, at least it won't have cut-off or sound too awkward in this case.

EDIT: Ah, 308/309 and 313/314 are the same case.

burner1024 commented 1 month ago

Probably should concatenate lines and wavs. Lip files are generated automatically.

BlackElectric commented 3 weeks ago

Hey everyone, sorry we are just starting to resume work on talking heads again and saw this issue.

Yes, you need to concatenate the sound files into one and use one line number in the .msg.

If the VA in the video that you shared recorded separate lines then you would have to get them combined together and run it using one msg file number (you can't use strings in the Reply statement).

burner1024 commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe keep them split and just insert a [Next] / ... reply inbetween? Less hassle that way.

burner1024 commented 4 days ago

@DondeEstaTuHallPass try this. msg into data/text/english, script into data/scripts. I just inserted a Next between the lines for female.