BGmot / zabbix-module-hosts-tree

A Zabbix module to show groups/hosts as a tree under Monitoring -> Hosts Tree menu item
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Zabbix 6.0 Issue #7

Closed chrissthedrummer closed 1 year ago

chrissthedrummer commented 1 year ago

After installing module in zabbix 6.0, in Monitoring -> Hosts Tree im getting multiple errors:

Undefined array key "hostgroups" [zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → Modules\BGmotHosts\Actions\CControllerBGHostView->doAction() → Modules\BGmotHosts\Actions\CControllerBGHost->getData() in modules/zabbix-module-hosts-tree/actions/CControllerBGHost.php:156]
foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given [zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → Modules\BGmotHosts\Actions\CControllerBGHostView->doAction() → Modules\BGmotHosts\Actions\CControllerBGHost->getData() in modules/zabbix-module-hosts-tree/actions/CControllerBGHost.php:156]

Does host-tree module should work in 6.0 verion of Zabbix?

BGmot commented 1 year ago

Make sure you install v2.0.0 version of this module not the latest one.

chrissthedrummer commented 1 year ago

Thanks- v2.0.0 worked in my zabbix 6.0.0.