Open HenrikBengtsson opened 6 months ago
Here's how to pull free-flying and windsock information from OpenStreetMap and generate an standalone, interactive map;
icons <- list(
windsock = awesomeIcons(icon = "flag", markerColor = "gray", iconColor = "white"),
launch = awesomeIcons(icon = "play", markerColor = "green", iconColor = "white"),
lz = awesomeIcons(icon = "stop", markerColor = "red", iconColor = "white"),
training = awesomeIcons(icon = "play", markerColor = "orange", iconColor = "white"),
groundhandling = awesomeIcons(icon = "user", markerColor = "blue", iconColor = "white")
## Ed Levin & Mission Area
center <- c(lat = 37.465, lng = -121.86)
pad <- c(-1, -1, +1, +1) * 1/10
q <- opq(bbox = rep(center[c("lng", "lat")], times = 2) + pad)
q <- q |> add_osm_features(features = list(
"sport" = "free_flying",
"aeroway" = "windsock"
data <- q |> osmdata_sf()
m <- leaflet(data)
m <- m |> addTiles(urlTemplate = "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png")
for (kk in seq_len(nrow(data$osm_points))) {
point <- data$osm_points[kk, ]
pos <- point$geometry[[1]]
names(pos) <- c("lng", "lat")
label <- point$name
icon <- NULL
site <- point[["free_flying:site"]]
if (identical(site, "takeoff")) {
icon <- icons$launch
} else if (identical(site, "landing")) {
icon <- icons$lz
} else if (identical(site, "training")) {
icon <- icons$training
type <- point[["free_flying:ground_handling"]]
if (identical(type, "yes")) {
icon <- icons$groundhandling
if (identical(point[["aeroway"]], "windsock")) {
icon <- icons$windsock
m <- m |> addAwesomeMarkers(lat = pos["lat"], lng = pos["lng"], label = label, icon = icon)
m <- m |> setView(lat = center["lat"], lng = center["lng"], zoom = 15)
To save as PNG;
mapview::mapshot2(m, file = "edlevin.png")
Here's an example illustrating how to generate a topology map showing the 300' and the 600' windsocks on Ed Levin using R:
To save the same view as a static PNG file, use:
This produces:
Installation instructions
Assuming modern version of R, install packages using: