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CPCS data product should allow for editing the ZP, best filter, mag, scatter and change ReducedDatum #157

Open wyrzykow opened 1 month ago

wyrzykow commented 1 month ago

I first tried it in the admin panel, but couldn't quickly find this data product calibration result: (the ids are completely not matching) -> admin panel should allow querying on id, or file, or telescope. Search box does not find anything!

But we should also have such a possibility in BHTOM - when studying CPCS results in dataproducts, we should store all CPCS results (entire Hash, ie. all catalogs, all ZP, scatter, Npoints). We should allow changing the best filter - it will then change ZP and sigma, and hence it should be saved in ALL corresponding ReducedDatums.

In the MegaCPCS DB setup : I assume we store instrumental mags and the corresponding results of the calibrations (just the best one is enough). Then, we can modify in the DB the ZP, scatter and best filter, therefore there should be an update of all light curves using that array of stars -> CPCS Broker will read the light curve again and will notice a difference and update the ReducedDatums in BHTOM per target.

majkelx commented 1 month ago

Pls. One task - one issue. Partially resloved in #158