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CI/CD: Align to changes in Test_oM and Test_Engine #364

Closed adecler closed 3 years ago

adecler commented 3 years ago

Issues addressed by this PR

Closes #363

As per title. also mirror the changes that were made on the script testing BHoM_UI

Test files

You can simply call .\TestRunner.exe UI but I find there is still a few too many errors for this to be easily readable at the moment. So I used this as well:

This basically is a bunch of C# components that call directly the tests inside UI_Test.dll. Since those return a TestResult it is easy to do a few explodes to get exactly the data you want out of it.

Additional comments

Right now, here's the errors that I have.


BH.oM.Adapters.Sharepoint.Requests.AndCondition.AndCondition() {String Name, List<ICondition> Conditions}
BH.oM.Adapters.Sharepoint.Requests.BeginsWithCondition.BeginsWithCondition() {String Name, String Field, String Value}
BH.oM.Adapters.Sharepoint.Requests.ContainsCondition.ContainsCondition() {String Name, String Field, String Value}
BH.oM.Adapters.Sharepoint.Requests.EqualCondition.EqualCondition() {String Name, String Field, Object Value}
BH.oM.Adapters.Sharepoint.Requests.GreaterCondition.GreaterCondition() {String Name, String Field, Double Value}
BH.oM.Adapters.Sharepoint.Requests.GreaterEqualCondition.GreaterEqualCondition() {String Name, String Field, Double Value}
BH.oM.Adapters.Sharepoint.Requests.LessCondition.LessCondition() {String Name, String Field, Double Value}
BH.oM.Adapters.Sharepoint.Requests.LessEqualCondition.LessEqualCondition() {String Name, String Field, Double Value}
BH.oM.Adapters.Sharepoint.Requests.NotEqualCondition.NotEqualCondition() {String Name, String Field, Object Value}
BH.oM.Adapters.Sharepoint.Requests.OrCondition.OrCondition() {String Name, List<ICondition> Conditions}

Issue was already raised for those

Copy (without items from above)

BH.Engine.Adapter.Query.AdapterId(IBHoMObject bHoMObject, Type adapterIdFragmentType)

Issue was already raised for that one too

Run (without items from above)

BH.Engine.Adapters.File.Modify.ProcessFileDirRequest(FileDirRequest fdr, WildcardPattern& wildcardPattern)
BH.Engine.Adapters.File.Query.TryGetRegexFromPath(String fullPath, Regex& regex)
BH.Engine.Adapters.Plaxis.Convert.SinglePointLoadToPlaxis(PointLoad load, Int32& index)
BH.Engine.Adapters.Sharepoint.Query.TryGetUriExtension(String uri, String& extension)
BH.Engine.Base.Query.TryGetValue(FragmentSet fragmentSet, Type fragmentType, IFragment& fragment)
BH.Engine.Diffing.Convert.TryParseObjectToGuid(Object obj, Guid& guid)
BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.AreaIntegration(List<IntegrationSlice> slices, Double curve, Double from, Double to, Double& centroid)
BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.AreaIntegration(List<IntegrationSlice> slices, Vector direction, ICurve curve, Double from, Double to, Double& centroid)
BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.AreaIntegration(List<IntegrationSlice> solid, List<IntegrationSlice> voids, Vector direction, ICurve curve, Double from, Double to, and 1 more inputs)
BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.CurveIntegration(ICurve fx, Vector direction, Double from, Double to, Double& centroid, Double increment)
BH.Engine.Representation.Query.TryGetRendermesh(IBHoMObject bHoMObject, RenderMesh& renderMesh)
BH.Engine.Test.CodeCompliance.Query.ContainsToken(SyntaxTokenList list, String value)
BH.Engine.Test.CodeCompliance.Query.HasValidCopyright(SyntaxTriviaList leadingTrivia, Int32 year, String filePath)
BH.Engine.Test.CodeCompliance.Query.IsValidBHoMObject(SyntaxTriviaList leadingTrivia, String copyrightStatement)
BH.Engine.UI.Query.MatchWith(List<ParamInfo> newList, List<ParamInfo> oldList, List`1& added, List`1& removed)

no issue raised yet but given the errors we get from the TestResults, it is pretty clear they are mainly due to one issue with ref/out parameters not being handle properly on all levels:

Expression of type 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxTokenList' cannot be used for return type 'System.Object'
Expression of type 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxTriviaList' cannot be used for return type 'System.Object'
The type 'BH.oM.Base.IFragment&' may not be used as a type argument.
The type 'BH.oM.Graphics.RenderMesh&' may not be used as a type argument.
The type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[BH.oM.UI.ParamInfo]&' may not be used as a type argument.
The type 'System.Double&' may not be used as a type argument.
The type 'System.Guid&' may not be used as a type argument.
The type 'System.Int32&' may not be used as a type argument.
The type 'System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern&' may not be used as a type argument.
The type 'System.String&' may not be used as a type argument.
The type 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex&' may not be used as a type argument.

(not too sure what's going on with first two though). I will look into those next week but this is proof that those tests are doing their job. So I am happy with this PR 😄

adecler commented 3 years ago

@BHoMBot check copyright

bhombot-ci[bot] commented 3 years ago
@adecler to confirm, `check-copyright-compliance` task is now queued.
adecler commented 3 years ago

@BHoMBot check installer

bhombot-ci[bot] commented 3 years ago
@adecler to confirm, `check-installer` task is now queued.
adecler commented 3 years ago

@BHoMBot check copyright

bhombot-ci[bot] commented 3 years ago
@adecler to confirm, `check-copyright-compliance` task is now queued.
adecler commented 3 years ago

@BHoMBot check installer

bhombot-ci[bot] commented 3 years ago
@adecler to confirm, `check-installer` task is now queued.