BHoM / RDF_Prototypes

Research project of the Cluster of Excellence "Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture" (IntCDC) **Project Name**: Knowledge Representation for Multi-Disciplinary Co-Design of Buildings.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Introduce and use a BHoM prefix bhom: #19

Open DiellzaElshani opened 2 years ago

DiellzaElshani commented 2 years ago


I propose to use a bhom prefix in the RDF graph, it makes it more readable and easier to differentiate classes from instances. The resulted RDF graph should look like this:

@base <> .
@prefix bhom: <> 

@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

bhom:BH.oM.Geometry.Point rdf:type owl:Class;
        rdfs:subClassOf bhom:BH.oM.Geometry.IGeometry;
        rdfs:subClassOf bhom:BH.oM.Base.IObject;
        rdfs:subClassOf bhom:BH.oM.Dimensional.IElement0D;
        rdfs:subClassOf bhom:BH.oM.Dimensional.IElement;
        rdfs:label"Point"@en .

Here is how it currently looks like:

:BH.oM.Geometry.Point rdf:type owl:Class;
        rdfs:subClassOf :BH.oM.Geometry.IGeometry;
        rdfs:subClassOf :BH.oM.Base.IObject;
        rdfs:subClassOf :BH.oM.Dimensional.IElement0D;
        rdfs:subClassOf :BH.oM.Dimensional.IElement;
        rdfs:label"Point"@en .