BHoM / Revit_Toolkit

A set of tools enabling exchange of information between BHoM and Revit.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Revit_Toolkit: Handling of parameters vs properties on Push/Pull #723

Closed pawelbaran closed 4 years ago

pawelbaran commented 4 years ago

Detailed issue:

Currently CRUD in Revit_Toolkit works in the following way:

To make it more complex, very often a single BHoM property is not 1:1 derived from Revit parameters, e.g.:

Combination of the above creates a multitude of possible (apparent) issues on Pull/Push:


The current approach to pulling and pushing Revit parameters does not work because always all of them get pulled and pushed, causing various interferences with BHoM object properties.

Proposed solution:

This brings us to the following workflow for the end user:


The above will require the user to make an explicit request to change a chosen parameter, while still exposing all parameters on Pull (very useful) and leaving the Push formula fully open (anything can changed, conflicts explained at the beginning can be imposed by the end user if she/he likes).

I am rather against using a Fragment for pushed parameters because it will be yet another step to take for the user. Simple SetProperty will be way more intuitive I believe.

Other considered solutions:

Please feel free if anything above is unclear or needs more visual explanation. Happy to push this one a bit as I would like to give it a first shot next week @al-fisher @rwemay


kThorsager commented 4 years ago

Well the current situation sounds terrifying and I like the new proposal a lot more as it seems to bring a lot of control back to the user.

And suggestion, not sure if possible, but Revit seems to store its parameters in blocks: image (I'm surely making a fool out of myself as that's not the object definition but I hope it's structured similarly) Could the BHoM objects read by the adapter have its Revit Fragments segmented into these blocks? Then one would have a nice set of fragments where each define something which may or may not have been placed on the BHoM objects properties, and one could add a method which takes a fragment and sets its properties as custom-data. Guess it kind of depends on if said blocks exists and if they actually influence a well defined part of the Revit object, but think it would alleviate transferring a chunk of data between pull and push from fragment to CustomData.

The other more general thing is if CustomData is the place to store the information to override in Revit, seems more appropriate with a dedicated fragment. But I do realise the difficulties with doing that change without breaking every Revit script there is.

Either way, sound great to my ears

pawelbaran commented 4 years ago

Good point @kThorsager about scraping more info about the parameters. Not only their functional groups (which I think is possible), but also original units, type (length vs angle vs mass etc.).

Concerning your second remark, I would not be too concerned about breaking the existing scripts (he he) because they will break anyways (CustomData moved to fragment), I was more thinking of future scripts and making the process as user friendly as possible. Happy to discuss that one further though.

al-fisher commented 4 years ago

Good point @kThorsager about scraping more info about the parameters. Not only their functional groups (which I think is possible), but also original units, type (length vs angle vs mass etc.).

Agreed on that. ^^

And so then with any refactoring of this approach I do think we should take the opportunity to formalise as Revit Fragments. Will make clearer and also a chance to mirror more closely Revit structure as suggested above. Also as we are finding with pulling some objects - getting some monster long list of parameters in custom data - so good to make more modular

A general note - good clear issue and explanation above! Thanks for taking the time and care 😄

rwemay commented 4 years ago

This seems very clear and a good way forward thanks @pawelbaran . Will be great to get parameters into a formal fragment - will it be immutable? Also agree with @kThorsager ’s point - getting the parameter attributes. We should consider similar in our BHoM parameter mapping.

pawelbaran commented 4 years ago

Parameter mapping on Pull will be introduced before this issue is tackled, Push is likely to be a part of this one @rwemay.

I feel there is one question that has not been answered explicitly yet: Do we want to wrap parameters on Push into a Fragment?



Personally I prefer keeping pushed parameters in CustomData, but not sure if that will be sustainable enough.

rwemay commented 4 years ago

That could be more scalable, and we should be able to make use of similar/more detailed structure of parameters. It would also hopefully remove the 'dot' issue - the Revit parameter names could be string properties rather than keys. (People may use the push customdata for other workflows, not just pushing up to Revit). Could it be as simple as a system wide Parameters fragment that inherits from IBHoMParamters (as would RevitParameters fragment which would be IImutable). It would then be SetProperty with "Parameters" input.

pawelbaran commented 4 years ago

String properties will not work I'm afraid @rwemay - this would mean they would need to be predefined in the class?

What comes to my head now is 2 Fragments:

Or am I confusing things?

rwemay commented 4 years ago

I think the idea of having a 'protected' (Imutable) set of parameters that's distinct and come from a pull is sound. Not sure about PullParameters - sounds too much like the parameters of a pull itself (like a config), PulledParameters might be better. We would only be limited on names if we use a dictionary/key approach rather than a formal Parameter class wouldn't we? On push parameters, again, I think we potentially want something a bit more formal.

Just as a visual reference/reminder for us, I'm copying below a snapshot from a Revit SP file. Not suggesting we mirror this, but this is what we're needing/wanting to support/map across to.



pawelbaran commented 4 years ago

Yes, PulledParameters sounds much better!

Yes and no (🙊) about adding more information to the pushed parameters (if I understand correctly what you mean by pasting a snip from SP file) - I do not think that adding any more complexity to ParametersToPush would bring added value. To make a successful push we only need to specify the name of param and value, all the rest is redundant:

So personally I would be perfectly fine with a simple Dictionary<string, object> representing a set of params to push.

Btw, maybe ParametersFromRevit and ParametersToRevit?