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Refactoring and documentation based on "Universal" common interfaces #17

Open alelom opened 3 years ago

alelom commented 3 years ago

Broken rules:

There are some keys interfaces that drive everything, defining the formal structure, dependency and organization of the BHoM.

We need to push a reorganization of their arrangement, tweak some conventions and namings, and relocate appropriately certain Engine methods that use/depend on them.

Suggestions to restore compliance:

WIP diagram: image





The Results engine should be deleted, as it currently depends on Structure_oM and Analytical_oM and Graphic_oM and its categorization is not meaningful.


Any objects/methods left obviously is code that is needed as part of the Framework for Adapters, UIs etc. and is distinct from the already existing Programming namespace that is "Programming as a discipline". i.e. creating Programming representation of a concept much like a Structural or Acoustics representation say

Object models




Reflection_oM / Programming_oM / Data_oM

EDIT: Updated the diagram to latest WIP and point around Reflection namespace in light of updated diagram

FraserGreenroyd commented 2 years ago

Both and are related and focus on the same issue of migrating stuff from Reflection to Base as appropriate.

I am intending to close these out in sprint 1 of the 5.1 milestone in the new year. The following steps will be undertaken:

There are some non-installer repos which should be updated at the same time, namely around the zero-code tools. @adecler could you add a list of the repos you'd like to see updated at the same time for continuity to one of the linked issues (to avoid adding too much more to this issue than is necessary for this issue) (or as an edit to this comment for me)?

Hopefully that all makes sense. As I say, timeline is sprint 1 of 5.1 milestone, probably towards the end of the first week owing to the copyright updates which will happen first and would cause conflicts.

al-fisher commented 2 years ago

Thanks @FraserGreenroyd @adecler Plan sounding good.

N.B. I have updated the diagram in this issue above to latest iteration. Useful to ensure mapping all methods being migrated (as well as all methods to remain in Reflection Engine) to the classifications of this diagram. So we are all happy makes sense and is logical going forward.

Equally see updated comment above about any code remaining in current Reflection oM/Engine after migration. What will be left and should we rename the Engine to help clarify its purpose? Ideas welcome.

IsakNaslundBh commented 2 years ago

Agree with 95% of all the suggestions for changes in this issue. Some few things I slightly question are:

Move the IGeometry and IGeometry3D methods into the Geometry_Engine.

Personally, I want to get rid of any reference to any BHoMObject from the Geometry_Engine, and for it to only work with pure geometric concepts. This goes in line with the not yet fully closed out issue (which probably could/should be added to this list to finally get levels and grids moved out of Geometry_oM).

Can understand the reasoning behind getting it out of the Base_oM, even if I kind of like to have it there myself, but if it needs to be moved I would argue a better fit for it would be the Spatial_Engine, for the same reasons as discussed in the linked BHoM issue.

Review the usage of ISettings interface - if not used, remove; or see if it can be moved below.

This is being used be analytics and Library, and more to come, and wonder if it is not best placed in the base oM? I personally at least have a hard time coming up with a better place for it. Know the whole statement starts with review, so might be the conclusion of that review. 😄