ILT -- Image Layout Toolkit
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ILT share directory is not in MNI_DATAPATH in *deb installs #6

Open gdevenyi opened 6 years ago

gdevenyi commented 6 years ago

ILT share is still in /opt/minc/1.9.16/share/ILT while only /opt/minc/share is in MNI_DATAPATH.

Not sure if this should be fixed here or in the packaging?

vfonov commented 6 years ago

the idea was to have separate data packages from binary toolkit package, so that several minc-toolkit packages could co-exist without duplicting heavy packages with templates and stuff.

gdevenyi commented 6 years ago

In that case appending the share directory into the minc-toolkit config file is probably the right solution

vfonov commented 6 years ago

can minc-tools handle multiple paths in MNI_DATAPATH ?

gdevenyi commented 6 years ago

it appears the MNI perl libs don't have an issue, I had ILT failing, appended to the environment variable, and then ILT worked. It leverages the MNI_DATAPATH perl bits, so it seems okay.

Any suggestions for other apps to test to confirm?

vfonov commented 6 years ago - this will not work

gdevenyi commented 6 years ago

Looks like should be

use MNI::DataDir;
$ModelDir = MNI::DataDir::dir('icbm152_model_09c');

To take advantage of the MNI Perllibs support

gdevenyi commented 6 years ago

I'll grep through and do some patches to fix the improper use of the the DATAPATH variable directory

gdevenyi commented 4 years ago

Fixed pipeline with