BIC-MNI / Register

MNI Register, visualization and registration software for images.
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Black bug when opening files in register #23

Open guilhermepovala opened 4 years ago

guilhermepovala commented 4 years ago


Always when I open register with more than one file, this bug occurs. Can someone help me with that?

Thank you!


vfonov commented 4 years ago

Are you running it over SSH by any chance? Or inside of virtual machine.

guilhermepovala commented 4 years ago

No, I'm using in native ubuntu 19.04. I've already tested in ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04.

gdevenyi commented 4 years ago

Modern versions of Ubuntu seem to have some bad interactions with nvidia/opengl. Resize the window usually fixes it.

This is probably a bug in GLUT.

guilhermepovala commented 4 years ago

I'm using the register that comes with minc. This bug occurs in all computers here in the lab. When the window is resized the black portion becomes normal. But when another interaction with the images is made, the bug comes back.

I thought it could be some missing library, but it seems to be another problem.

vfonov commented 4 years ago

does it have NVIDIA GPU?

guilhermepovala commented 4 years ago

Until last week, it doesn't. I installed one yesterday. The bug was happening before and continues after the installation.

vfonov commented 4 years ago

does it use NVIDIA driver ?

guilhermepovala commented 4 years ago

Now, yes. image

vfonov commented 4 years ago

it doesn't say which driver it is using

vfonov commented 4 years ago

glxinfo shows this information

guilhermepovala commented 4 years ago

Here is my glxinfo output:


guilhermepovala commented 4 years ago

$ glxinfo | grep OpenGL


vfonov commented 4 years ago

well, it's a mystery.

guilhermepovala commented 4 years ago

Is there any chance it can work using docker?

gdevenyi commented 4 years ago

I have the same bug in 18.04 with intel: Screenshot_20200115_135513

gdevenyi commented 4 years ago

docker with any graphical application is pretty much a no-go, its a mess to feedthrough the X access.

Plus, I have expectation that docker will fix anything.

vfonov commented 4 years ago

we still don't know which version of minc/register that is

guilhermepovala commented 4 years ago

Minc 1.9.17 Register 1.5.0 (built Jul 1 2019) git:HEAD/a391751

vfonov commented 4 years ago

maybe it's a sign to switch to nifti?

vfonov commented 4 years ago

you can try LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 register file1.mnc file2.mnc

guilhermepovala commented 4 years ago

Well, using LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 didn't fix the issue.

Some information that might be helpful:

vfonov commented 4 years ago

looks like nifti is the answer