BIC-MNI / minc-tools

Basic minc-tools from former minc repository
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xfminvert doesn't preserve dimorder #55

Open bcdarwin opened 7 years ago

bcdarwin commented 7 years ago

Probably belongs as a libminc issue, but:

$ cat whatever.xfm 
MNI Transform File
Transform_Type = Grid_Transform;
Displacement_Volume = whatever_grid_0.mnc;
Transform_Type = Linear;
Linear_Transform =
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0;
$ mincinfo whatever_grid_0.mnc 
file: whatever_grid_0.mnc
image: signed__ float -0.24282121658325195312 to 0.45105218887329101562
image dimensions: vector_dimension xspace yspace zspace
    dimension name         length         step        start
    --------------         ------         ----        -----
    vector_dimension            3      unknown      unknown
    xspace                     29        0.448        -6.27
    yspace                     43        0.448        -8.19
    zspace                     22        0.448         -4.2
$ xfminvert whatever.xfm whatever_inverted.xfm
$ mincinfo whatever_inverted_grid_0.mnc 
file: whatever_inverted_grid_0.mnc
image: signed__ float -0.24282121658325195312 to 0.45105218887329101562
image dimensions: vector_dimension zspace yspace xspace
    dimension name         length         step        start
    --------------         ------         ----        -----
    vector_dimension            3      unknown      unknown
    zspace                     22        0.448         -4.2
    yspace                     43        0.448        -8.19
    xspace                     29        0.448        -6.27
gdevenyi commented 7 years ago

This is from minc-toolkit/1.9.11

bcdarwin commented 6 years ago

Still an issue as of 2.4.02.


vfonov commented 6 years ago

i hear a rumour that @rdvincent is not going to be spending much time supporting MINC