BIDMCDigitalPsychiatry / LAMP-platform

The LAMP Platform (issues and documentation).
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Native app push diagnostics commands (i.e. synchronize) #125

Open jeydude1 opened 3 years ago

jeydude1 commented 3 years ago

It is nice to have a manual "Synchronize now" option in mindLAMP app to synchronize the data from Apple Health/Google Fit app to mindLAMP database.

avaidyam commented 3 years ago

@jijopulikkottil I believe this is very much in line with the idea you proposed about having diagnostics commands that the app can respond to. The general idea is as follows:

  1. Send a push notification to the mobile/wearable device with the command and parameters (i.e. synchronize data, device metrics such as how much disk space is available, etc.)
  2. Device receives push and responds to it, executing the command.
  3. Device uploads result of the command as a SensorEvent ( with type = diagnostic).

We will need to list out and formalize a set of commands and their parameters that should function identically on iOS and on Android.