BIDMCDigitalPsychiatry / LAMP-platform

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Mismatch in login events #626

Closed lukeoftheshire closed 2 years ago

lukeoftheshire commented 2 years ago

Events fire with different keys depending on whether you log-in from a phone or internet:

 {'data': {'action': 'login',
    'device_token': 'fK7crcaWR4KcCRMuzrS42F:APA91bFJnaFxNo-Im3lawubt7aQ4pAtqgdm1V6K22Ionvj-6Cizb19Ip_OYSGmaCqIG0sFjc-AeDl_6RK7Hrkb7ijpcK5DkuENyRuFIjZD_vN95_epK3GAIahycC1fT20IFa8o5L5S6w',
    'device_type': 'Android',
    'user_agent': 'NativeCore 2022.4.25; Android 10; OnePlus; HD1905'},
   'sensor': '',
   'timestamp': 1651158007854},
  {'timestamp': 1651158007808,
   'sensor': '',
   'data': {'type': 'login',
    'device_type': 'Dashboard',
    'user_agent': 'LAMP-dashboard/2022.4.23 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; HD1905 Build/QKQ1.190716.003; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/100.0.4896.127 Mobile Safari/537.36'}}]}

Notice that the login via the web fires with type:login, where the login via the app fires with action:login

These should be consistent across all ways to access LAMP - ~I'd favor changing both to action~ see my comment below - I actually now think type might be more appropriate

avaidyam commented 2 years ago

@lukeoftheshire We'll also have to make a list of these inconsistencies and eventually write a database-fixer script. We can't and shouldn't be handling everything in Cortex, that's bad practice.

sarithapillai8 commented 2 years ago

@lukeoftheshire @avaidyam @avaidyam It was asked to use 'type' key for this. We have all the sensor events(open_page) from dashboard with type key. So could you please confirm changing this?

lukeoftheshire commented 2 years ago

Just gonna chime in to say that we've refactored the code that led to us discovering the issue -- I actually now think it may be better to use type to minimize the number of keywords used across LAMP

jijopulikkottil commented 2 years ago

in iOS and Android, for all, we are using following events as action "login" "notification" "logout" "log" "lowpowermode"

So should we update all as type rather than action ?

jijopulikkottil commented 2 years ago

@avaidyam Could you confirm my above comment ?

avaidyam commented 2 years ago

@sarithapillai8 @jijopulikkottil Let's stick to type as @lukeoftheshire says. Please replace action as well, but please make sure LAMP-worker is able to use either, for backwards compatibility reasons.

Linoy339 commented 2 years ago

@avaidyam . We will be having some changes in LAMP-worker.

saranya-sajeev commented 2 years ago

@avaidyam Renamed action to type in Android & iOS and given for QA testing.

divyav2020 commented 2 years ago

We have updated in Staging

saranya-sajeev commented 2 years ago

@avaidyam We have pushed the android build to beta and it is in review status.

Tuna9129 commented 1 year ago

This seems to be fixed in staging!