BIDS-collaborative / destress

Helping @peparedes with text analysis of livejournal data
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word2vec new results! #36

Open lambdaloop opened 9 years ago

lambdaloop commented 9 years ago

So I built the multi query system that we talked about, where we would query with multiple phrases and see which sentences match the best.

This works really really well!!

Here are the phrases used to query the system (these are phrases Pablo, Dennis, and I grabbed from the query results on "illness"):

my mother who fell ill to a mental illness twice
my brother is sick with bronchitis
conjunctivitis and an ear infection
i have had pneumonia 
my father was diagnosed with cancer in early june lung cancer that has spread to the bones
tess suffering from her cancer scare is causing me too much pain already
melz got the flu
i may have acute bronchitis , which could lead to asthma
fucking sickness !
i have been diagnosed with clinical depression
my mom is in the hospital with a kidney infection
i probably have a sinus infection
she goes through all this depression since her cancer operations

Here are the top 100 results from the multi-query:

8.938 -- it s been the worst and best couples days ... my dad s in the hospital because he has some sort of strep or staph infection in his leg and a very high fever , one of my closet friends completely bitched me out and then i did the same to him and he started crying his eyes out and feels worthless ... i ve had some long days at work and not much sleep along with an infection . 
8.869 -- salmonella , infection in arm and a fungal infection in his lungs and they still don t know what to do about finding the fungal infection and today they thought about the arm and maybe there is leukemia in his arm causing the issues at hand . 
8.846 -- my father was diagnosed with cancer in early june lung cancer that has spread to the bones . 
8.794 -- my mom is in the hospital with a kidney infection . 
8.787 -- my brother is sick with bronchitis . 
8.755 -- i went to the doctors , and i ended up having double ear infections and really bad strep throat . 
8.718 -- he passed away last thursday due to complications with bronchitis in connection to a rare lung disease . 
8.697 -- what is worse , being diagnosed with a terminal illness and dieing a slow painfull death within a matter of years or having an illness undiagnosed and living a long painfull life ? 
8.645 -- i have an acute chronic sinus infection month anniversary saturday that s flaring up because of the pollen count , and my cold . 
8.621 -- , and then got dehydration sickness from the medication for the surgery . 
8.590 -- i have had pneumonia . 
8.570 -- my mother who fell ill to a mental illness twice . 
8.550 -- tess suffering from her cancer scare is causing me too much pain already . 
8.536 -- and he better stop claiming disability because of his mental illness that was cured in four fucking days . 
8.509 -- i love how in he past few weeks , i have had a cold that turned to the flu which turned into an ear infection with ruptured my eardrum and as soon as that starts going away , i get pink eye in both my eyes . 
8.497 -- i probably have a sinus infection . 
8.489 -- i have in no particular order pink eye , an ear infection , the flu , nasal congestion , a horrible fucking cough , and to top it all off a sore throat . 
8.489 -- i got hit with an ear infection , pink eye , and a sinus infection all at once . 
8.484 -- my mom said that you don t always need to have those other symptoms , it can just be a harmless infection that needs treatment by antibiotics . 
8.475 -- hearts ; i had to go to the hospital the other night because of my asthma . 
8.469 -- and now im home ... my grandpa is still in the hospital ... his infection has pretty much cleared except for in his leg ... they might have to amputate it . 
8.469 -- her husband who was diagnosed with prostate cancer under went his treatement and then had to have his arteries cleaned . 
8.463 -- apparently he had i think pneumonia and some other type of bug . 
8.459 -- so my mother is in the hospital with what we thought was appendicitis , but is actually a ruptured diverticulum . 
8.455 -- i may have acute bronchitis , which could lead to asthma . 
8.452 -- i had stomach pain that finally sent me to the hospital , where they decided i needed urgent surgery to have my gallbladder out . 
8.452 -- i m getting the flu , i have a feeling , which is really dangerous for someone with really bad asthma so now i have to go to the doctor . 
8.422 -- i m not really sick , i just have like tonsillitis minus the sore throat , fever and headache . 
8.422 -- after all that tyler now has a respiratory infection so he is having lots of fun now . 
8.421 -- go to the ucf clinic ... i have a ear infection ... and it was so bad it ruptured my eardrum . 
8.419 -- my grandmother died from diabetes , my father has it , my mother has a weight problem and health complications because of it and i m trying to do something good for myself , so just leave me alone ! 
8.417 -- because i had cervical cancer and was only when i was diagnosed ? 
8.416 -- the only reason we wouldnt be able to is that we are sick ... i have an ear infection , and she has a sinus infection so just by having those we can pass them on to her because her immune system is weakened by the chemicals that they put in her body from chemotherapy , so that may or may not happen this weekend . 
8.399 -- also , i be having another prayer request : : my mom is at the hospital as i type this having tests done ... she s been having pain in this one spot in her stomach and they are leaning towards appendicitis . 
8.359 -- my symptoms : sick as hell to my stomach headache dizzy double vision thought i was going to pass out . 
8.357 -- i just started this new , really strong sinus infection medicine , and now i have no appetite . 
8.356 -- doctor unheimlich has diagnosed me with dawn s disorder cause : smoking symptoms : occasional hair loss , gurgling , talking like a pirate , s haircut cure : fresh air enter your name , for your own diagnosis : < table 
8.349 -- the sickness the nausea the pitiless pain have ceased , with a fever that maddened my brain with the fever called living that burned in my brain . 
8.344 -- went to the doctor and he just had one look at my tonsils and said strep . 
8.325 -- i am in no mood to be in the close vacinity of a vomiting person suffering from other symptoms resembling a head cold flu type deal . 
8.320 -- so , for all of you that did not know , i have had prostate cancer since i was born and was diagnosed less then years ago . 
8.315 -- i rsquo ; ve been giving a friend regular back massages at least once a week because she has really nasty back problems that cause her extreme pain , including scoliosis . 
8.312 -- my step dad , jack , has recently gotten over cancer , a stroke , and some kind of disease . 
8.287 -- just wanted to say thanks a million to dane for taking care of me <3 i keep getting sick =( headaches , muscle joint aches , stomach pains , flu , =\ and dane keeps looking after me putting up with me <3 thankies baby <3 
8.282 -- yesterday in english class i became overwhelmed by a fear of contracting some medical illness but i can t for the life of me remember what it was . 
8.277 -- she d been through several operations to remove cancer and an emergency historectomy not to mention the old age dog s disease of imbalance that plagued her in her later life . 
8.263 -- jordan , who knew just the problem and clinically diagnosed me with endometriosis ! 
8.257 -- my dad started out in the hospital with pneumonia over christmas , got home , then my mom got it and is still in the hospital . 
8.246 -- he s got something called cellulitis , it s almost like that skin eating disease and its alll over his leg and he s getting really sick agian , he had it like in february and it never went away and now its worse ! 
8.245 -- i began to be very glad she got sick earlier and is still on antibiotics because there was a sign on the door of the day care saying there had been four cases of strep going around and to keep an eye on our children but lexi was already taking meds so i didn t really have to worry and i called the doctors office to confirm ! 
8.242 -- today was a bad day ... we found out my older sister has ovarian cancer , but the dr . 
8.240 -- it seems like almost everyone i run into is sick with something , either allergies or strep ! 
8.240 -- lily has a very serious kidney infection and her liver is starting to go . 
8.237 -- another plan ... sickness in my stomach my battle scars have suddenly become all itchy and i feel alive . 
8.236 -- turns out i have strep throat :( i am in so much pain . 
8.233 -- i still have a sick feeling in my stomach . 
8.227 -- oh yes , me and my mother found out that she has lung cancer a couple of weeks ago . 
8.218 -- i think my father has the flu and he s miserable and well ... yucky . 
8.218 -- tilly is sick with a neck pain ... i feel so bad for her . 
8.214 -- i ve been sick as hell the past couple days with the flu or something . 
8.213 -- and i have to get blood work to see if anything is wrong with my thyroids coz half the women in my family have thyroid problems . 
8.204 -- ear infection sick soo sick my throat feels like it s on fire coughing up shit . 
8.195 -- and also they were talking about weed causing a greater risk of mental illness especially if there is a history of mental illness in your family , which mine has , great , but i dunno im sceptical cus one report i have seen says that to develop psychosis and such like from weed you have to smoke grams a day , fucking grams ! 
8.193 -- they took me off of one of my meds and diagnosed me with bi disorder . 
8.193 -- we went to tha vet tha next day and he had fleas , worms and an ear infection ... poor baby ... well n e ways they gave me all this medication and now every day i havta give it to him every day ! 
8.191 -- he he he i found out today after like a year battle with aml a type of leukemia that a biopsy revealed that a form of leukemia has returned . 
8.188 -- i know that most of this is just mere fatigue and i do have rhinitis , bronchitis and a yeast infection to boot because i never wash my underwear or don t wear any ... awesome ! 
8.185 -- so that was the absolute high light of my week ... but then i went home an myself into a coma an then got wicked sick ... like not from drinkin i had to go to the doctors an i had like a sort of mini flu ... an i still have the sniffles an shit an it sucks ! 
8.181 -- if i had my life to live over by erma bombeck written after she found out she was dying from cancer . 
8.179 -- gotta go to the doctor today to make sure my staph infection is gone . 
8.178 -- i have some kind of bite on my stomach that i went to the doctor for and they pumped me full of antibiotics . 
8.167 -- my dad s came back and he does not have cancer but now i have to deal with loren having bladder cancer yes i do not have to deal with it and maybe god is geting him back for what he did to me and his x wife . 
8.155 -- my illness has got worse , but i don t care as i had such a good time yesterday . 
8.153 -- it hurts to add on to getting your heart broken and being addicted to one of the worst known things ... and having a depression disease ... and ugh . 
8.152 -- so ... my cousin got in an accident either yesterday or the day before ... i feel so sorry for aunt vickie ... her mum broke her back , her dad has cancer , her sons in jail and her daughter is out of the hospital and on medication to stop internal bleeding ... and this is all in the past under months ... i love her w all my heart and pray so deeply tht things in her world come to clear skies . 
8.151 -- by death i mean getting sick and going to the hospital , that is when rookie died . 
8.148 -- today i stayed home from school it turns out that i had the flu ... icky ! 
8.147 -- i have a really bad infection ! 
8.140 -- i have been diagnosed with clinical depression . 
8.137 -- when i was about seven , my mom had a serious depression problem . 
8.135 -- there is a sickness in my heart that has broken me down . 
8.134 -- when i went to the hospital , my mom wanted to have a strep culture test done ... he just looked at me and asked me if i knew anybody who had strep . 
8.131 -- we should never have had them in the first place with my mom s allergies , and especially now after she had such a bad case of pnuemonia . 
8.130 -- then to end the start to a horrible monday , my grandma called to say that the doctors think she may have a brain tumor and she has to get a cat scan . 
8.129 -- so , i have a cata something infection on my cornea . 
8.123 -- oddly enough , it was the same doctor that diagnosed the cancer the first time . 
8.118 -- my stupid kidney has started to hurt again , and i know the doctors and more than likely the hospital for tests is unavoidable . 
8.115 -- the older one seems to have it implanted in his brain that his father was ... cough i mean is a good man . 
8.105 -- enter your name to get yours : doctor unheimlich has diagnosed me with cause : early mornings symptoms : blindness , grunting , vomiting blood , flushing cure : drink three pints of beer a day until it goes away enter your name , for your own diagnosis : yep , that sounds about right . 
8.101 -- so even though we ve already been through one terrible cold and through a terrible case of strep throat , my body just wanted one more before thanksgiving . 
8.100 -- i was home sick today with a nasty migrane . 
8.098 -- they may fake terminal illness , pregnancy , or disease . 
8.097 -- my allergies are so bad i almost keeled over , then i started some medicine for my allergies , and wow . 
8.092 -- from my doctor impression and recommendation : martha has autoimmune thyroiditis but her thyroid function is still completely normal . 
8.091 -- well im home sick again today with the flu doesnt that suck yeha it does i hate being sick and uncomfortable ! 
8.086 -- my head hurts ... i think i have a stomach flu or something of that sort . 
8.084 -- their dog has a medical problem and they found out that aunt peggy has breast cancer . 
8.083 -- anyways , my aunt was at the recovery room when my grandma got out and talked to the doctor afterward my mom and i were in my grandmas room and the doctor told my aunt that they drained the gall bladder and that it should be okay ... but the pancreas looked funny and that sometimes when it looked like that , it was cancer . 
8.078 -- in bad news , i appear to have the stomach flu , valentine s day will be spent alone , i ate one meal today and can t eat anymore because nothing sounds appealing because of the sickness . 
8.077 -- ok enough of that ... i went to the doc today ... i have a sinus infection . 
lambdaloop commented 9 years ago

@peparedes @geneyoo @xih I pasted the results above. They look great!

peparedes commented 9 years ago

This is super super good! I think we are into something with the Google News stuff. As Pierre said, maybe it would be even better than the actual dataset, as the Google News do carry a lot more interactions between words that may not appear in our livejournal corpus, such as the relationship between illness and cancer... people posting personal stuff rarely speak about illness, but news articles that describe cancer do speak about illness.

Anyways, we should test with the new dataset and see what we get. We should do a couple of iterations and compare.

Good job Pierre!


On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 9:08 PM, Pierre Karashchuk wrote:

So I built the multi query system that we talked about, where we would query with multiple phrases and see which sentences match the best.

This works really really well!!

Here are the phrases used to query the system (these are phrases Pablo, Dennis, and I grabbed from the query results on "illness"):

illness my mother who fell ill to a mental illness twice my brother is sick with bronchitis conjunctivitis and an ear infection i have had pneumonia my father was diagnosed with cancer in early june lung cancer that has spread to the bones tess suffering from her cancer scare is causing me too much pain already melz got the flu i may have acute bronchitis , which could lead to asthma fucking sickness ! i have been diagnosed with clinical depression my mom is in the hospital with a kidney infection i probably have a sinus infection she goes through all this depression since her cancer operations

Here are the top 100 results from the multi-query: 8.938 -- it s been the worst and best couples days ... my dad s in the hospital because he has some sort of strep or staph infection in his leg and a very high fever , one of my closet friends completely bitched me out and then i did the same to him and he started crying his eyes out and feels worthless ... i ve had some long days at work and not much sleep along with an infection . 8.869 -- salmonella , infection in arm and a fungal infection in his lungs and they still don t know what to do about finding the fungal infection and today they thought about the arm and maybe there is leukemia in his arm causing the issues at hand . 8.846 -- my father was diagnosed with cancer in early june lung cancer that has spread to the bones . 8.794 -- my mom is in the hospital with a kidney infection . 8.787 -- my brother is sick with bronchitis . 8.755 -- i went to the doctors , and i ended up having double ear infections and really bad strep throat . 8.718 -- he passed away last thursday due to complications with bronchitis in connection to a rare lung disease . 8.697 -- what is worse , being diagnosed with a terminal illness and dieing a slow painfull death within a matter of years or having an illness undiagnosed and living a long painfull life ? 8.645 -- i have an acute chronic sinus infection month anniversary saturday that s flaring up because of the pollen count , and my cold . 8.621 -- , and then got dehydration sickness from the medication for the surgery . 8.590 -- i have had pneumonia . 8.570 -- my mother who fell ill to a mental illness twice . 8.550 -- tess suffering from her cancer scare is causing me too much pain already . 8.536 -- and he better stop claiming disability because of his mental illness that was cured in four fucking days . 8.509 -- i love how in he past few weeks , i have had a cold that turned to the flu which turned into an ear infection with ruptured my eardrum and as soon as that starts going away , i get pink eye in both my eyes . 8.497 -- i probably have a sinus infection . 8.489 -- i have in no particular order pink eye , an ear infection , the flu , nasal congestion , a horrible fucking cough , and to top it all off a sore throat . 8.489 -- i got hit with an ear infection , pink eye , and a sinus infection all at once . 8.484 -- my mom said that you don t always need to have those other symptoms , it can just be a harmless infection that needs treatment by antibiotics . 8.475 -- hearts ; i had to go to the hospital the other night because of my asthma . 8.469 -- and now im home ... my grandpa is still in the hospital ... his infection has pretty much cleared except for in his leg ... they might have to amputate it . 8.469 -- her husband who was diagnosed with prostate cancer under went his treatement and then had to have his arteries cleaned . 8.463 -- apparently he had i think pneumonia and some other type of bug . 8.459 -- so my mother is in the hospital with what we thought was appendicitis , but is actually a ruptured diverticulum . 8.455 -- i may have acute bronchitis , which could lead to asthma . 8.452 -- i had stomach pain that finally sent me to the hospital , where they decided i needed urgent surgery to have my gallbladder out . 8.452 -- i m getting the flu , i have a feeling , which is really dangerous for someone with really bad asthma so now i have to go to the doctor . 8.422 -- i m not really sick , i just have like tonsillitis minus the sore throat , fever and headache . 8.422 -- after all that tyler now has a respiratory infection so he is having lots of fun now . 8.421 -- go to the ucf clinic ... i have a ear infection ... and it was so bad it ruptured my eardrum . 8.419 -- my grandmother died from diabetes , my father has it , my mother has a weight problem and health complications because of it and i m trying to do something good for myself , so just leave me alone ! 8.417 -- because i had cervical cancer and was only when i was diagnosed ? 8.416 -- the only reason we wouldnt be able to is that we are sick ... i have an ear infection , and she has a sinus infection so just by having those we can pass them on to her because her immune system is weakened by the chemicals that they put in her body from chemotherapy , so that may or may not happen this weekend . 8.399 -- also , i be having another prayer request : : my mom is at the hospital as i type this having tests done ... she s been having pain in this one spot in her stomach and they are leaning towards appendicitis . 8.359 -- my symptoms : sick as hell to my stomach headache dizzy double vision thought i was going to pass out . 8.357 -- i just started this new , really strong sinus infection medicine , and now i have no appetite . 8.356 -- doctor unheimlich has diagnosed me with dawn s disorder cause : smoking symptoms : occasional hair loss , gurgling , talking like a pirate , s haircut cure : fresh air enter your name , for your own diagnosis : < table 8.349 -- the sickness the nausea the pitiless pain have ceased , with a fever that maddened my brain with the fever called living that burned in my brain . 8.344 -- went to the doctor and he just had one look at my tonsils and said strep . 8.325 -- i am in no mood to be in the close vacinity of a vomiting person suffering from other symptoms resembling a head cold flu type deal . 8.320 -- so , for all of you that did not know , i have had prostate cancer since i was born and was diagnosed less then years ago . 8.315 -- i rsquo ; ve been giving a friend regular back massages at least once a week because she has really nasty back problems that cause her extreme pain , including scoliosis . 8.312 -- my step dad , jack , has recently gotten over cancer , a stroke , and some kind of disease . 8.287 -- just wanted to say thanks a million to dane for taking care of me <3 i keep getting sick =( headaches , muscle joint aches , stomach pains , flu , =\ and dane keeps looking after me putting up with me <3 thankies baby <3 8.282 -- yesterday in english class i became overwhelmed by a fear of contracting some medical illness but i can t for the life of me remember what it was . 8.277 -- she d been through several operations to remove cancer and an emergency historectomy not to mention the old age dog s disease of imbalance that plagued her in her later life . 8.263 -- jordan , who knew just the problem and clinically diagnosed me with endometriosis ! 8.257 -- my dad started out in the hospital with pneumonia over christmas , got home , then my mom got it and is still in the hospital . 8.246 -- he s got something called cellulitis , it s almost like that skin eating disease and its alll over his leg and he s getting really sick agian , he had it like in february and it never went away and now its worse ! 8.245 -- i began to be very glad she got sick earlier and is still on antibiotics because there was a sign on the door of the day care saying there had been four cases of strep going around and to keep an eye on our children but lexi was already taking meds so i didn t really have to worry and i called the doctors office to confirm ! 8.242 -- today was a bad day ... we found out my older sister has ovarian cancer , but the dr . 8.240 -- it seems like almost everyone i run into is sick with something , either allergies or strep ! 8.240 -- lily has a very serious kidney infection and her liver is starting to go . 8.237 -- another plan ... sickness in my stomach my battle scars have suddenly become all itchy and i feel alive . 8.236 -- turns out i have strep throat :( i am in so much pain . 8.233 -- i still have a sick feeling in my stomach . 8.227 -- oh yes , me and my mother found out that she has lung cancer a couple of weeks ago . 8.218 -- i think my father has the flu and he s miserable and well ... yucky . 8.218 -- tilly is sick with a neck pain ... i feel so bad for her . 8.214 -- i ve been sick as hell the past couple days with the flu or something . 8.213 -- and i have to get blood work to see if anything is wrong with my thyroids coz half the women in my family have thyroid problems . 8.204 -- ear infection sick soo sick my throat feels like it s on fire coughing up shit . 8.195 -- and also they were talking about weed causing a greater risk of mental illness especially if there is a history of mental illness in your family , which mine has , great , but i dunno im sceptical cus one report i have seen says that to develop psychosis and such like from weed you have to smoke grams a day , fucking grams ! 8.193 -- they took me off of one of my meds and diagnosed me with bi disorder . 8.193 -- we went to tha vet tha next day and he had fleas , worms and an ear infection ... poor baby ... well n e ways they gave me all this medication and now every day i havta give it to him every day ! 8.191 -- he he he i found out today after like a year battle with aml a type of leukemia that a biopsy revealed that a form of leukemia has returned . 8.188 -- i know that most of this is just mere fatigue and i do have rhinitis , bronchitis and a yeast infection to boot because i never wash my underwear or don t wear any ... awesome ! 8.185 -- so that was the absolute high light of my week ... but then i went home an myself into a coma an then got wicked sick ... like not from drinkin i had to go to the doctors an i had like a sort of mini flu ... an i still have the sniffles an shit an it sucks ! 8.181 -- if i had my life to live over by erma bombeck written after she found out she was dying from cancer . 8.179 -- gotta go to the doctor today to make sure my staph infection is gone . 8.178 -- i have some kind of bite on my stomach that i went to the doctor for and they pumped me full of antibiotics . 8.167 -- my dad s came back and he does not have cancer but now i have to deal with loren having bladder cancer yes i do not have to deal with it and maybe god is geting him back for what he did to me and his x wife . 8.155 -- my illness has got worse , but i don t care as i had such a good time yesterday . 8.153 -- it hurts to add on to getting your heart broken and being addicted to one of the worst known things ... and having a depression disease ... and ugh . 8.152 -- so ... my cousin got in an accident either yesterday or the day before ... i feel so sorry for aunt vickie ... her mum broke her back , her dad has cancer , her sons in jail and her daughter is out of the hospital and on medication to stop internal bleeding ... and this is all in the past under months ... i love her w all my heart and pray so deeply tht things in her world come to clear skies . 8.151 -- by death i mean getting sick and going to the hospital , that is when rookie died . 8.148 -- today i stayed home from school it turns out that i had the flu ... icky ! 8.147 -- i have a really bad infection ! 8.140 -- i have been diagnosed with clinical depression . 8.137 -- when i was about seven , my mom had a serious depression problem . 8.135 -- there is a sickness in my heart that has broken me down . 8.134 -- when i went to the hospital , my mom wanted to have a strep culture test done ... he just looked at me and asked me if i knew anybody who had strep . 8.131 -- we should never have had them in the first place with my mom s allergies , and especially now after she had such a bad case of pnuemonia . 8.130 -- then to end the start to a horrible monday , my grandma called to say that the doctors think she may have a brain tumor and she has to get a cat scan . 8.129 -- so , i have a cata something infection on my cornea . 8.123 -- oddly enough , it was the same doctor that diagnosed the cancer the first time . 8.118 -- my stupid kidney has started to hurt again , and i know the doctors and more than likely the hospital for tests is unavoidable . 8.115 -- the older one seems to have it implanted in his brain that his father was ... cough i mean is a good man . 8.105 -- enter your name to get yours : doctor unheimlich has diagnosed me with cause : early mornings symptoms : blindness , grunting , vomiting blood , flushing cure : drink three pints of beer a day until it goes away enter your name , for your own diagnosis : yep , that sounds about right . 8.101 -- so even though we ve already been through one terrible cold and through a terrible case of strep throat , my body just wanted one more before thanksgiving . 8.100 -- i was home sick today with a nasty migrane . 8.098 -- they may fake terminal illness , pregnancy , or disease . 8.097 -- my allergies are so bad i almost keeled over , then i started some medicine for my allergies , and wow . 8.092 -- from my doctor impression and recommendation : martha has autoimmune thyroiditis but her thyroid function is still completely normal . 8.091 -- well im home sick again today with the flu doesnt that suck yeha it does i hate being sick and uncomfortable ! 8.086 -- my head hurts ... i think i have a stomach flu or something of that sort . 8.084 -- their dog has a medical problem and they found out that aunt peggy has breast cancer . 8.083 -- anyways , my aunt was at the recovery room when my grandma got out and talked to the doctor afterward my mom and i were in my grandmas room and the doctor told my aunt that they drained the gall bladder and that it should be okay ... but the pancreas looked funny and that sometimes when it looked like that , it was cancer . 8.078 -- in bad news , i appear to have the stomach flu , valentine s day will be spent alone , i ate one meal today and can t eat anymore because nothing sounds appealing because of the sickness . 8.077 -- ok enough of that ... i went to the doc today ... i have a sinus infection .

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geneyoo commented 9 years ago

Awesome. The training over our LiveJournal dataset finished, and you can find the models in: /var/local/destress/word2vecLJ.model (gensim's format) /var/local/destress/word2vecLJGoogle.txt (google's c-text format)

Let me know if you prefer the binary version for the google format, in which case I can convert it to a .bin file. We can start comparing results from google news vs. our "user-id tagged" model now.

I'll write a script to test some word similarities.

lambdaloop commented 9 years ago

Hey Pablo,

If I run a few queries for each life event and give you 100 matches, could you run a mechanical turk thing? We would ask them to find the sentences which are related to the life event. Something like: "Copy down the lines which convey a major change in eating habits"


On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 9:18 PM, Pablo Paredes wrote:

This is super super good! I think we are into something with the Google News stuff. As Pierre said, maybe it would be even better than the actual dataset, as the Google News do carry a lot more interactions between words that may not appear in our livejournal corpus, such as the relationship between illness and cancer... people posting personal stuff rarely speak about illness, but news articles that describe cancer do speak about illness.

Anyways, we should test with the new dataset and see what we get. We should do a couple of iterations and compare.

Good job Pierre!


On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 9:08 PM, Pierre Karashchuk <> wrote:

So I built the multi query system that we talked about, where we would query with multiple phrases and see which sentences match the best.

This works really really well!!

Here are the phrases used to query the system (these are phrases Pablo, Dennis, and I grabbed from the query results on "illness"):

illness my mother who fell ill to a mental illness twice my brother is sick with bronchitis conjunctivitis and an ear infection i have had pneumonia my father was diagnosed with cancer in early june lung cancer that has spread to the bones tess suffering from her cancer scare is causing me too much pain already melz got the flu i may have acute bronchitis , which could lead to asthma fucking sickness ! i have been diagnosed with clinical depression my mom is in the hospital with a kidney infection i probably have a sinus infection she goes through all this depression since her cancer operations

Here are the top 100 results from the multi-query: 8.938 -- it s been the worst and best couples days ... my dad s in the hospital because he has some sort of strep or staph infection in his leg and a very high fever , one of my closet friends completely bitched me out and then i did the same to him and he started crying his eyes out and feels worthless ... i ve had some long days at work and not much sleep along with an infection . 8.869 -- salmonella , infection in arm and a fungal infection in his lungs and they still don t know what to do about finding the fungal infection and today they thought about the arm and maybe there is leukemia in his arm causing the issues at hand . 8.846 -- my father was diagnosed with cancer in early june lung cancer that has spread to the bones . 8.794 -- my mom is in the hospital with a kidney infection . 8.787 -- my brother is sick with bronchitis . 8.755 -- i went to the doctors , and i ended up having double ear infections and really bad strep throat . 8.718 -- he passed away last thursday due to complications with bronchitis in connection to a rare lung disease . 8.697 -- what is worse , being diagnosed with a terminal illness and dieing a slow painfull death within a matter of years or having an illness undiagnosed and living a long painfull life ? 8.645 -- i have an acute chronic sinus infection month anniversary saturday that s flaring up because of the pollen count , and my cold . 8.621 -- , and then got dehydration sickness from the medication for the surgery . 8.590 -- i have had pneumonia . 8.570 -- my mother who fell ill to a mental illness twice . 8.550 -- tess suffering from her cancer scare is causing me too much pain already . 8.536 -- and he better stop claiming disability because of his mental illness that was cured in four fucking days . 8.509 -- i love how in he past few weeks , i have had a cold that turned to the flu which turned into an ear infection with ruptured my eardrum and as soon as that starts going away , i get pink eye in both my eyes . 8.497 -- i probably have a sinus infection . 8.489 -- i have in no particular order pink eye , an ear infection , the flu , nasal congestion , a horrible fucking cough , and to top it all off a sore throat . 8.489 -- i got hit with an ear infection , pink eye , and a sinus infection all at once . 8.484 -- my mom said that you don t always need to have those other symptoms , it can just be a harmless infection that needs treatment by antibiotics . 8.475 -- hearts ; i had to go to the hospital the other night because of my asthma . 8.469 -- and now im home ... my grandpa is still in the hospital ... his infection has pretty much cleared except for in his leg ... they might have to amputate it . 8.469 -- her husband who was diagnosed with prostate cancer under went his treatement and then had to have his arteries cleaned . 8.463 -- apparently he had i think pneumonia and some other type of bug . 8.459 -- so my mother is in the hospital with what we thought was appendicitis , but is actually a ruptured diverticulum . 8.455 -- i may have acute bronchitis , which could lead to asthma . 8.452 -- i had stomach pain that finally sent me to the hospital , where they decided i needed urgent surgery to have my gallbladder out . 8.452 -- i m getting the flu , i have a feeling , which is really dangerous for someone with really bad asthma so now i have to go to the doctor . 8.422 -- i m not really sick , i just have like tonsillitis minus the sore throat , fever and headache . 8.422 -- after all that tyler now has a respiratory infection so he is having lots of fun now . 8.421 -- go to the ucf clinic ... i have a ear infection ... and it was so bad it ruptured my eardrum . 8.419 -- my grandmother died from diabetes , my father has it , my mother has a weight problem and health complications because of it and i m trying to do something good for myself , so just leave me alone ! 8.417 -- because i had cervical cancer and was only when i was diagnosed ? 8.416 -- the only reason we wouldnt be able to is that we are sick ... i have an ear infection , and she has a sinus infection so just by having those we can pass them on to her because her immune system is weakened by the chemicals that they put in her body from chemotherapy , so that may or may not happen this weekend . 8.399 -- also , i be having another prayer request : : my mom is at the hospital as i type this having tests done ... she s been having pain in this one spot in her stomach and they are leaning towards appendicitis . 8.359 -- my symptoms : sick as hell to my stomach headache dizzy double vision thought i was going to pass out . 8.357 -- i just started this new , really strong sinus infection medicine , and now i have no appetite . 8.356 -- doctor unheimlich has diagnosed me with dawn s disorder cause : smoking symptoms : occasional hair loss , gurgling , talking like a pirate , s haircut cure : fresh air enter your name , for your own diagnosis : < table 8.349 -- the sickness the nausea the pitiless pain have ceased , with a fever that maddened my brain with the fever called living that burned in my brain . 8.344 -- went to the doctor and he just had one look at my tonsils and said strep . 8.325 -- i am in no mood to be in the close vacinity of a vomiting person suffering from other symptoms resembling a head cold flu type deal . 8.320 -- so , for all of you that did not know , i have had prostate cancer since i was born and was diagnosed less then years ago . 8.315 -- i rsquo ; ve been giving a friend regular back massages at least once a week because she has really nasty back problems that cause her extreme pain , including scoliosis . 8.312 -- my step dad , jack , has recently gotten over cancer , a stroke , and some kind of disease . 8.287 -- just wanted to say thanks a million to dane for taking care of me <3 i keep getting sick =( headaches , muscle joint aches , stomach pains , flu , =\ and dane keeps looking after me putting up with me <3 thankies baby <3 8.282 -- yesterday in english class i became overwhelmed by a fear of contracting some medical illness but i can t for the life of me remember what it was . 8.277 -- she d been through several operations to remove cancer and an emergency historectomy not to mention the old age dog s disease of imbalance that plagued her in her later life . 8.263 -- jordan , who knew just the problem and clinically diagnosed me with endometriosis ! 8.257 -- my dad started out in the hospital with pneumonia over christmas , got home , then my mom got it and is still in the hospital . 8.246 -- he s got something called cellulitis , it s almost like that skin eating disease and its alll over his leg and he s getting really sick agian , he had it like in february and it never went away and now its worse ! 8.245 -- i began to be very glad she got sick earlier and is still on antibiotics because there was a sign on the door of the day care saying there had been four cases of strep going around and to keep an eye on our children but lexi was already taking meds so i didn t really have to worry and i called the doctors office to confirm ! 8.242 -- today was a bad day ... we found out my older sister has ovarian cancer , but the dr . 8.240 -- it seems like almost everyone i run into is sick with something , either allergies or strep ! 8.240 -- lily has a very serious kidney infection and her liver is starting to go . 8.237 -- another plan ... sickness in my stomach my battle scars have suddenly become all itchy and i feel alive . 8.236 -- turns out i have strep throat :( i am in so much pain . 8.233 -- i still have a sick feeling in my stomach . 8.227 -- oh yes , me and my mother found out that she has lung cancer a couple of weeks ago . 8.218 -- i think my father has the flu and he s miserable and well ... yucky . 8.218 -- tilly is sick with a neck pain ... i feel so bad for her . 8.214 -- i ve been sick as hell the past couple days with the flu or something . 8.213 -- and i have to get blood work to see if anything is wrong with my thyroids coz half the women in my family have thyroid problems . 8.204 -- ear infection sick soo sick my throat feels like it s on fire coughing up shit . 8.195 -- and also they were talking about weed causing a greater risk of mental illness especially if there is a history of mental illness in your family , which mine has , great , but i dunno im sceptical cus one report i have seen says that to develop psychosis and such like from weed you have to smoke grams a day , fucking grams ! 8.193 -- they took me off of one of my meds and diagnosed me with bi disorder . 8.193 -- we went to tha vet tha next day and he had fleas , worms and an ear infection ... poor baby ... well n e ways they gave me all this medication and now every day i havta give it to him every day ! 8.191 -- he he he i found out today after like a year battle with aml a type of leukemia that a biopsy revealed that a form of leukemia has returned . 8.188 -- i know that most of this is just mere fatigue and i do have rhinitis , bronchitis and a yeast infection to boot because i never wash my underwear or don t wear any ... awesome ! 8.185 -- so that was the absolute high light of my week ... but then i went home an myself into a coma an then got wicked sick ... like not from drinkin i had to go to the doctors an i had like a sort of mini flu ... an i still have the sniffles an shit an it sucks ! 8.181 -- if i had my life to live over by erma bombeck written after she found out she was dying from cancer . 8.179 -- gotta go to the doctor today to make sure my staph infection is gone . 8.178 -- i have some kind of bite on my stomach that i went to the doctor for and they pumped me full of antibiotics . 8.167 -- my dad s came back and he does not have cancer but now i have to deal with loren having bladder cancer yes i do not have to deal with it and maybe god is geting him back for what he did to me and his x wife . 8.155 -- my illness has got worse , but i don t care as i had such a good time yesterday . 8.153 -- it hurts to add on to getting your heart broken and being addicted to one of the worst known things ... and having a depression disease ... and ugh . 8.152 -- so ... my cousin got in an accident either yesterday or the day before ... i feel so sorry for aunt vickie ... her mum broke her back , her dad has cancer , her sons in jail and her daughter is out of the hospital and on medication to stop internal bleeding ... and this is all in the past under months ... i love her w all my heart and pray so deeply tht things in her world come to clear skies . 8.151 -- by death i mean getting sick and going to the hospital , that is when rookie died . 8.148 -- today i stayed home from school it turns out that i had the flu ... icky ! 8.147 -- i have a really bad infection ! 8.140 -- i have been diagnosed with clinical depression . 8.137 -- when i was about seven , my mom had a serious depression problem . 8.135 -- there is a sickness in my heart that has broken me down . 8.134 -- when i went to the hospital , my mom wanted to have a strep culture test done ... he just looked at me and asked me if i knew anybody who had strep . 8.131 -- we should never have had them in the first place with my mom s allergies , and especially now after she had such a bad case of pnuemonia . 8.130 -- then to end the start to a horrible monday , my grandma called to say that the doctors think she may have a brain tumor and she has to get a cat scan . 8.129 -- so , i have a cata something infection on my cornea . 8.123 -- oddly enough , it was the same doctor that diagnosed the cancer the first time . 8.118 -- my stupid kidney has started to hurt again , and i know the doctors and more than likely the hospital for tests is unavoidable . 8.115 -- the older one seems to have it implanted in his brain that his father was ... cough i mean is a good man . 8.105 -- enter your name to get yours : doctor unheimlich has diagnosed me with cause : early mornings symptoms : blindness , grunting , vomiting blood , flushing cure : drink three pints of beer a day until it goes away enter your name , for your own diagnosis : yep , that sounds about right . 8.101 -- so even though we ve already been through one terrible cold and through a terrible case of strep throat , my body just wanted one more before thanksgiving . 8.100 -- i was home sick today with a nasty migrane . 8.098 -- they may fake terminal illness , pregnancy , or disease . 8.097 -- my allergies are so bad i almost keeled over , then i started some medicine for my allergies , and wow . 8.092 -- from my doctor impression and recommendation : martha has autoimmune thyroiditis but her thyroid function is still completely normal . 8.091 -- well im home sick again today with the flu doesnt that suck yeha it does i hate being sick and uncomfortable ! 8.086 -- my head hurts ... i think i have a stomach flu or something of that sort . 8.084 -- their dog has a medical problem and they found out that aunt peggy has breast cancer . 8.083 -- anyways , my aunt was at the recovery room when my grandma got out and talked to the doctor afterward my mom and i were in my grandmas room and the doctor told my aunt that they drained the gall bladder and that it should be okay ... but the pancreas looked funny and that sometimes when it looked like that , it was cancer . 8.078 -- in bad news , i appear to have the stomach flu , valentine s day will be spent alone , i ate one meal today and can t eat anymore because nothing sounds appealing because of the sickness . 8.077 -- ok enough of that ... i went to the doc today ... i have a sinus infection .

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peparedes commented 9 years ago

Sure, I can put them to run over night... the only problem is that the night results are kinda crappy, the daily ones are better (its the population bias in turk). But hey, let's just do it.


On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 9:49 PM, Pierre Karashchuk wrote:

Hey Pablo,

If I run a few queries for each life event and give you 100 matches, could you run a mechanical turk thing? We would ask them to find the sentences which are related to the life event. Something like: "Copy down the lines which convey a major change in eating habits"


On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 9:18 PM, Pablo Paredes wrote:

This is super super good! I think we are into something with the Google News stuff. As Pierre said, maybe it would be even better than the actual dataset, as the Google News do carry a lot more interactions between words that may not appear in our livejournal corpus, such as the relationship between illness and cancer... people posting personal stuff rarely speak about illness, but news articles that describe cancer do speak about illness.

Anyways, we should test with the new dataset and see what we get. We should do a couple of iterations and compare.

Good job Pierre!


On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 9:08 PM, Pierre Karashchuk <> wrote:

So I built the multi query system that we talked about, where we would query with multiple phrases and see which sentences match the best.

This works really really well!!

Here are the phrases used to query the system (these are phrases Pablo, Dennis, and I grabbed from the query results on "illness"):

illness my mother who fell ill to a mental illness twice my brother is sick with bronchitis conjunctivitis and an ear infection i have had pneumonia my father was diagnosed with cancer in early june lung cancer that has spread to the bones tess suffering from her cancer scare is causing me too much pain already melz got the flu i may have acute bronchitis , which could lead to asthma fucking sickness ! i have been diagnosed with clinical depression my mom is in the hospital with a kidney infection i probably have a sinus infection she goes through all this depression since her cancer operations

Here are the top 100 results from the multi-query: 8.938 -- it s been the worst and best couples days ... my dad s in the hospital because he has some sort of strep or staph infection in his leg and a very high fever , one of my closet friends completely bitched me out and then i did the same to him and he started crying his eyes out and feels worthless ... i ve had some long days at work and not much sleep along with an infection . 8.869 -- salmonella , infection in arm and a fungal infection in his lungs and they still don t know what to do about finding the fungal infection and today they thought about the arm and maybe there is leukemia in his arm causing the issues at hand . 8.846 -- my father was diagnosed with cancer in early june lung cancer that has spread to the bones . 8.794 -- my mom is in the hospital with a kidney infection . 8.787 -- my brother is sick with bronchitis . 8.755 -- i went to the doctors , and i ended up having double ear infections and really bad strep throat . 8.718 -- he passed away last thursday due to complications with bronchitis in connection to a rare lung disease . 8.697 -- what is worse , being diagnosed with a terminal illness and dieing a slow painfull death within a matter of years or having an illness undiagnosed and living a long painfull life ? 8.645 -- i have an acute chronic sinus infection month anniversary saturday that s flaring up because of the pollen count , and my cold . 8.621 -- , and then got dehydration sickness from the medication for the surgery . 8.590 -- i have had pneumonia . 8.570 -- my mother who fell ill to a mental illness twice . 8.550 -- tess suffering from her cancer scare is causing me too much pain already . 8.536 -- and he better stop claiming disability because of his mental illness that was cured in four fucking days . 8.509 -- i love how in he past few weeks , i have had a cold that turned to the flu which turned into an ear infection with ruptured my eardrum and as soon as that starts going away , i get pink eye in both my eyes . 8.497 -- i probably have a sinus infection . 8.489 -- i have in no particular order pink eye , an ear infection , the flu , nasal congestion , a horrible fucking cough , and to top it all off a sore throat . 8.489 -- i got hit with an ear infection , pink eye , and a sinus infection all at once . 8.484 -- my mom said that you don t always need to have those other symptoms , it can just be a harmless infection that needs treatment by antibiotics . 8.475 -- hearts ; i had to go to the hospital the other night because of my asthma . 8.469 -- and now im home ... my grandpa is still in the hospital ... his infection has pretty much cleared except for in his leg ... they might have to amputate it . 8.469 -- her husband who was diagnosed with prostate cancer under went his treatement and then had to have his arteries cleaned . 8.463 -- apparently he had i think pneumonia and some other type of bug . 8.459 -- so my mother is in the hospital with what we thought was appendicitis , but is actually a ruptured diverticulum . 8.455 -- i may have acute bronchitis , which could lead to asthma . 8.452 -- i had stomach pain that finally sent me to the hospital , where they decided i needed urgent surgery to have my gallbladder out . 8.452 -- i m getting the flu , i have a feeling , which is really dangerous for someone with really bad asthma so now i have to go to the doctor . 8.422 -- i m not really sick , i just have like tonsillitis minus the sore throat , fever and headache . 8.422 -- after all that tyler now has a respiratory infection so he is having lots of fun now . 8.421 -- go to the ucf clinic ... i have a ear infection ... and it was so bad it ruptured my eardrum . 8.419 -- my grandmother died from diabetes , my father has it , my mother has a weight problem and health complications because of it and i m trying to do something good for myself , so just leave me alone ! 8.417 -- because i had cervical cancer and was only when i was diagnosed ? 8.416 -- the only reason we wouldnt be able to is that we are sick ... i have an ear infection , and she has a sinus infection so just by having those we can pass them on to her because her immune system is weakened by the chemicals that they put in her body from chemotherapy , so that may or may not happen this weekend . 8.399 -- also , i be having another prayer request : : my mom is at the hospital as i type this having tests done ... she s been having pain in this one spot in her stomach and they are leaning towards appendicitis . 8.359 -- my symptoms : sick as hell to my stomach headache dizzy double vision thought i was going to pass out . 8.357 -- i just started this new , really strong sinus infection medicine , and now i have no appetite . 8.356 -- doctor unheimlich has diagnosed me with dawn s disorder cause : smoking symptoms : occasional hair loss , gurgling , talking like a pirate , s haircut cure : fresh air enter your name , for your own diagnosis : < table 8.349 -- the sickness the nausea the pitiless pain have ceased , with a fever that maddened my brain with the fever called living that burned in my brain . 8.344 -- went to the doctor and he just had one look at my tonsils and said strep . 8.325 -- i am in no mood to be in the close vacinity of a vomiting person suffering from other symptoms resembling a head cold flu type deal . 8.320 -- so , for all of you that did not know , i have had prostate cancer since i was born and was diagnosed less then years ago . 8.315 -- i rsquo ; ve been giving a friend regular back massages at least once a week because she has really nasty back problems that cause her extreme pain , including scoliosis . 8.312 -- my step dad , jack , has recently gotten over cancer , a stroke , and some kind of disease . 8.287 -- just wanted to say thanks a million to dane for taking care of me <3 i keep getting sick =( headaches , muscle joint aches , stomach pains , flu , =\ and dane keeps looking after me putting up with me <3 thankies baby <3 8.282 -- yesterday in english class i became overwhelmed by a fear of contracting some medical illness but i can t for the life of me remember what it was . 8.277 -- she d been through several operations to remove cancer and an emergency historectomy not to mention the old age dog s disease of imbalance that plagued her in her later life . 8.263 -- jordan , who knew just the problem and clinically diagnosed me with endometriosis ! 8.257 -- my dad started out in the hospital with pneumonia over christmas , got home , then my mom got it and is still in the hospital . 8.246 -- he s got something called cellulitis , it s almost like that skin eating disease and its alll over his leg and he s getting really sick agian , he had it like in february and it never went away and now its worse ! 8.245 -- i began to be very glad she got sick earlier and is still on antibiotics because there was a sign on the door of the day care saying there had been four cases of strep going around and to keep an eye on our children but lexi was already taking meds so i didn t really have to worry and i called the doctors office to confirm ! 8.242 -- today was a bad day ... we found out my older sister has ovarian cancer , but the dr . 8.240 -- it seems like almost everyone i run into is sick with something , either allergies or strep ! 8.240 -- lily has a very serious kidney infection and her liver is starting to go . 8.237 -- another plan ... sickness in my stomach my battle scars have suddenly become all itchy and i feel alive . 8.236 -- turns out i have strep throat :( i am in so much pain . 8.233 -- i still have a sick feeling in my stomach . 8.227 -- oh yes , me and my mother found out that she has lung cancer a couple of weeks ago . 8.218 -- i think my father has the flu and he s miserable and well ... yucky . 8.218 -- tilly is sick with a neck pain ... i feel so bad for her . 8.214 -- i ve been sick as hell the past couple days with the flu or something . 8.213 -- and i have to get blood work to see if anything is wrong with my thyroids coz half the women in my family have thyroid problems . 8.204 -- ear infection sick soo sick my throat feels like it s on fire coughing up shit . 8.195 -- and also they were talking about weed causing a greater risk of mental illness especially if there is a history of mental illness in your family , which mine has , great , but i dunno im sceptical cus one report i have seen says that to develop psychosis and such like from weed you have to smoke grams a day , fucking grams ! 8.193 -- they took me off of one of my meds and diagnosed me with bi disorder . 8.193 -- we went to tha vet tha next day and he had fleas , worms and an ear infection ... poor baby ... well n e ways they gave me all this medication and now every day i havta give it to him every day ! 8.191 -- he he he i found out today after like a year battle with aml a type of leukemia that a biopsy revealed that a form of leukemia has returned . 8.188 -- i know that most of this is just mere fatigue and i do have rhinitis , bronchitis and a yeast infection to boot because i never wash my underwear or don t wear any ... awesome ! 8.185 -- so that was the absolute high light of my week ... but then i went home an myself into a coma an then got wicked sick ... like not from drinkin i had to go to the doctors an i had like a sort of mini flu ... an i still have the sniffles an shit an it sucks ! 8.181 -- if i had my life to live over by erma bombeck written after she found out she was dying from cancer . 8.179 -- gotta go to the doctor today to make sure my staph infection is gone . 8.178 -- i have some kind of bite on my stomach that i went to the doctor for and they pumped me full of antibiotics . 8.167 -- my dad s came back and he does not have cancer but now i have to deal with loren having bladder cancer yes i do not have to deal with it and maybe god is geting him back for what he did to me and his x wife . 8.155 -- my illness has got worse , but i don t care as i had such a good time yesterday . 8.153 -- it hurts to add on to getting your heart broken and being addicted to one of the worst known things ... and having a depression disease ... and ugh . 8.152 -- so ... my cousin got in an accident either yesterday or the day before ... i feel so sorry for aunt vickie ... her mum broke her back , her dad has cancer , her sons in jail and her daughter is out of the hospital and on medication to stop internal bleeding ... and this is all in the past under months ... i love her w all my heart and pray so deeply tht things in her world come to clear skies . 8.151 -- by death i mean getting sick and going to the hospital , that is when rookie died . 8.148 -- today i stayed home from school it turns out that i had the flu ... icky ! 8.147 -- i have a really bad infection ! 8.140 -- i have been diagnosed with clinical depression . 8.137 -- when i was about seven , my mom had a serious depression problem . 8.135 -- there is a sickness in my heart that has broken me down . 8.134 -- when i went to the hospital , my mom wanted to have a strep culture test done ... he just looked at me and asked me if i knew anybody who had strep . 8.131 -- we should never have had them in the first place with my mom s allergies , and especially now after she had such a bad case of pnuemonia . 8.130 -- then to end the start to a horrible monday , my grandma called to say that the doctors think she may have a brain tumor and she has to get a cat scan . 8.129 -- so , i have a cata something infection on my cornea . 8.123 -- oddly enough , it was the same doctor that diagnosed the cancer the first time . 8.118 -- my stupid kidney has started to hurt again , and i know the doctors and more than likely the hospital for tests is unavoidable . 8.115 -- the older one seems to have it implanted in his brain that his father was ... cough i mean is a good man . 8.105 -- enter your name to get yours : doctor unheimlich has diagnosed me with cause : early mornings symptoms : blindness , grunting , vomiting blood , flushing cure : drink three pints of beer a day until it goes away enter your name , for your own diagnosis : yep , that sounds about right . 8.101 -- so even though we ve already been through one terrible cold and through a terrible case of strep throat , my body just wanted one more before thanksgiving . 8.100 -- i was home sick today with a nasty migrane . 8.098 -- they may fake terminal illness , pregnancy , or disease . 8.097 -- my allergies are so bad i almost keeled over , then i started some medicine for my allergies , and wow . 8.092 -- from my doctor impression and recommendation : martha has autoimmune thyroiditis but her thyroid function is still completely normal . 8.091 -- well im home sick again today with the flu doesnt that suck yeha it does i hate being sick and uncomfortable ! 8.086 -- my head hurts ... i think i have a stomach flu or something of that sort . 8.084 -- their dog has a medical problem and they found out that aunt peggy has breast cancer . 8.083 -- anyways , my aunt was at the recovery room when my grandma got out and talked to the doctor afterward my mom and i were in my grandmas room and the doctor told my aunt that they drained the gall bladder and that it should be okay ... but the pancreas looked funny and that sometimes when it looked like that , it was cancer . 8.078 -- in bad news , i appear to have the stomach flu , valentine s day will be spent alone , i ate one meal today and can t eat anymore because nothing sounds appealing because of the sickness . 8.077 -- ok enough of that ... i went to the doc today ... i have a sinus infection .

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lambdaloop commented 9 years ago

@geneyoo Actually, google's c-text format looks like the bin format! @xih Could you convert the new word2vec files to an fmat?

@peparedes Oh, we can run it during the day tomorrow if that's better. Though, this should be a pretty easy task, hard to do badly I think.

peparedes commented 9 years ago

Yeah... it is amazing how much noise "bad" turkers enter... but just send me the data whenever you have it and I will start implementing the turk tasks


On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 9:55 PM, Pierre Karashchuk wrote:

@geneyoo Actually, google's c-text format looks like the bin format! @xih Could you convert the new word2vec files to an fmat?

@peparedes Oh, we can run it during the day tomorrow if that's better. Though, this should be a pretty easy task, hard to do badly I think.

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lambdaloop commented 9 years ago

@peparedes I finished creating the data.

You can find it in: /var/local/destress/life_events_sents/

There is a file called "life_events.csv", which has a list of life events with their ids. For each life event, there is a file with that id, with a list of target sentences to pick from (obtained from queries on keywords corresponding to life event).

I would give the turkers the life event description (e.g. major change in sleeping habits) and then the list of sentences, and ask them to copy the ones which correspond to the description. But you're the expert, so you can figure out what you want.