BIDS / repro-ambas-project

Reproducibility Ambassador Project
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Create survey for collecting information for eventual assessment #2

Open iamciera opened 6 years ago

iamciera commented 6 years ago


The first step of our outline for this project (outlined here) is to begin a pilot program. The pilot program will include visiting local labs (UC Berkeley, Stanford, LBL, UC Davis, UCSF) for the goal of: gathering information on motivations on why they need reproducibility ambassadors, receptiveness of program, and gain a general understanding of how local labs are approaching computational reproducibility.

We need a survey (maybe interview questions?) for collecting information.

Ideas Mentioned

Date Needed

Can one or two people assign themselves to this task? We just need a basic draft and we will discuss as a group at the next Reproducibility Working Group Meeting.

kellieotto commented 6 years ago

Content-wise, we probably want the workflow narrative, pain points, key benefits, key tools sections.

The workflow narrative is too long and we'll want to distill it into some questions where they can just check boxes. Like, "How many people does your lab workflow include? Do you use version control? Which programming languages do you use?"