BIM2SIM / bim2sim

A python tool to create simulation models for different domains based on BIM IFC models.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Fix roof and groundfloor identification for horizontal multi object #633

Open DaJansenGit opened 4 months ago

DaJansenGit commented 4 months ago

E.g. with digital hub we have the problem that the most upper horizontal slab consists of the actual roof and another slab "Geschossdecke" as shown in the screenshot below. Pasted image 20240227162251

The issue is that only the most upper one (lets name it Slab1) is an IfcSlab with PredefinedType=Roof and the second one from above (Slab2) is a normal IfcSlab with PredefinedType=Floor. As only Slab2 has direct contact to the IfcSpaces below, there are only SpaceBoundaries between Slab2 and the IfcSpace.

This leads to issues in both, PluginEnergyPlus and PluginTEASER, which are based on the same.

At least when using material enrichment this can be fixed for both Plugins by checking the assignment of the type of a Slab (and also Walls) not only based on the predefined type but also on the type of the SpaceBoundary, if the SpaceBoundary is correct.

A future approach should use a geometric algorithm. This has to be discussed.