BIM2SIM / bim2sim

A python tool to create simulation models for different domains based on BIM IFC models.
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Clear handling of decompositions #675

Open DaJansenGit opened 1 week ago

DaJansenGit commented 1 week ago

Currently, we don't take into account dempositions. We had a task specific tailored towards IfcRoof decompositions but this should be generalized. Below is the task that we used in the past which might help for a fresh integration.

from bim2sim.kernel.decision import BoolDecision, DecisionBunch
from bim2sim.elements.bps_elements import Slab, GroundFloor, Floor, Roof
from bim2sim.tasks.base import ITask
from bim2sim.utilities.common_functions import filter_elements

class ProcessSlabsRoofs(ITask):
    """Handles decomposed roofs and wrong slab elements."""

    reads = ('elements',)
    touches = ('elements',)

    def run(self, elements: dict):
        for element in elements.copy().values():
            if type(element).__bases__[0] is Slab or type(element) is Slab:
                elements = self.recognize_decomposed_roofs(element, elements)
        return elements,

    def recognize_decomposed_roofs(self, element, elements):
        """recognize the roofs that are decomposed on another slabs, and after
        * set decompositions on decomposed element
        * set decomposition properties on decomposed element"""
        if element.ifc.IsDecomposedBy:
            for decomp in element.ifc.IsDecomposedBy:
                for inst_ifc in decomp.RelatedObjects:
                    inst = elements.get(inst_ifc.GlobalId, None)
                    if inst:
                        self.set_decompositions(element, inst)
                        self.set_decomposition_properties(element, inst)
                        del elements[inst.guid]
        return elements

    def set_decompositions(element, d_element):
        """set decompositions of a decomposed slab and vice versa as list in the
        if not hasattr(element, 'decomposed_by'):
            element.decomposed_by = []
        if not hasattr(d_element, 'decomposes'):
            d_element.decomposes = []

    def set_decomposition_properties(element, d_element):
        """set attributes of decomposes element, if attribute of decomposed
        element not available or invalid"""
        # when decomposed,decomposes element has attributes of the decomposed
        # element
        if len(d_element.space_boundaries):
            for sb in d_element.space_boundaries:
                if sb not in element.space_boundaries:

        for tz in d_element.thermal_zones:
            if tz not in element.thermal_zones:
            if element not in tz.bound_elements:
            d_element_index = tz.bound_elements.index(d_element)
            del tz.bound_elements[d_element_index]

        for attr, (value, available) in element.attributes.items():
            if not value and hasattr(d_element, attr):
                if getattr(d_element, attr):
                    setattr(element, attr, getattr(d_element, attr))
        if hasattr(element, 'layerset') and hasattr(d_element, 'layerset'):
            if element.layerset and d_element.layerset:
                element.layerset = d_element.layerset