Evolutionary multi-objective optimization platform
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报错 #160

Open Wubohan123 opened 2 months ago

Wubohan123 commented 2 months ago

错误使用 ranksum 删除 NaN 值后没有剩余数据。

出错 module_exp>@(s)ranksum(s,vdata{end})<0.05 (第 465 行) diff1 = cellfun(@(s)ranksum(s,vdata{end})<0.05,vdata(:,1:end-1));

出错 module_exp/TableUpdate (第 465 行) diff1 = cellfun(@(s)ranksum(s,vdata{end})<0.05,vdata(:,1:end-1));

出错 module_exp>@(varargin)obj.TableUpdate(varargin{:}) (第 82 行) = GUI.APP([1 3],7,uidropdown(tempGrid,'BackgroundColor',[.95 .95 1],'Tooltip','Show the specific metric values','Items',{},'Interruptible','off','BusyAction','cancel','ValueChangedFcn',@obj.TableUpdate));

错误使用 appdesservices.internal.interfaces.model.AbstractModel/executeUserCallback 计算 DropDown PrivateValueChangedFcn 时出错。

I often encounter this kind of error, but I don't know how to correct it. Changing one place will lead to other errors,Can anyone help me solve this problem?