Evolutionary multi-objective optimization platform
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Dealing with empirical Pareto Fronts #64

Open paulduf opened 3 years ago

paulduf commented 3 years ago


First thanks for providing this great tool to EMO researches and practitioners.

I'm using PlatEMO to benchmark algorithms on a real-world many-objective problem (and may submit a pull request soon if you'd like to see this added to the problems library).

This issue is about the PF function, which aims at "sampling reference points on the true Pareto Front". This is not possible here as we don't know the true PF, but still I could compare results from a single algorithm with an empirical reference set from union of optimal populations from many algorithms, runs ...

My question is: what would be the best practice to make this functional with existing code ? Having a reference_set.mat file in the problem folder that I load at Initialization and return it in the PF function ? I'm asking as I looked for an example in the existing problems, and it seems most of them (at least the one I checked) build a Pareto Front from analytical formulas.

Thanks in advance

paulduf commented 3 years ago


My issue is related to such performance assessment:

I don't see the DDMOP suite in the master branch: has it been removed ?


DestinyMy commented 3 years ago

Hello, In general, a nadir point is returned in the PF() of real-world problem for the calculation of HV. The values of this point can be slightly large so that the found solutions can dominate this point, and the HV value will not be zero.