BIMSBbioinfo / pigx_rnaseq

Bulk RNA-seq Data Processing, Quality Control, and Downstream Analysis Pipeline
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Changing the cDNA fasta should not trigger rerun of hisat2 branch #142

Open alexg9010 opened 2 months ago

alexg9010 commented 2 months ago

After finishing a pipeline run I wanted to change the cDNA file to trigger a rerun of salmon, but this also triggered a restart of Hisat because of the rule check_annotation_files. Given that the cDNA is not relevant for Hisat2 mapping I propose a more fine-grained solution that separately checks GTF vs DNA and GTF vs cDNA.

For now, I can circumvent the rerun by using:

 pigx-rnaseq -s settings_editted.yaml sample_sheet_merged_replicates.csv --target={deseq_report_salmon_transcripts,deseq_report_salmon_genes}