BIOL548O / Discussion

A repository for course discussion in BIOL548O
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The Discussion forum #1

Open aammd opened 8 years ago

aammd commented 8 years ago

Hi @BIOL548O/all ,

TESTING 1, 2, 3 this is the first post to the course discussion forum!

some background on how this is happening: This is a GitHub issue. Issues are a very useful feature of Github because they facilitate communication. They are most frequently used by software users who want to report a bug or request a feature. However they have other uses: as "to-do" lists to yourself or between collaborators, as announcements, or as discussion forums. It's these latter two functions that we'll be using.

You can open an issue on this repository to ask any question you like. Just go here and click "New Issue".

To attract somebody's attention, you need to mention them by name (e.g. to get me, use @aammd )

To refer to groups of people, we have "Teams". They are

If you want to follow all the conversations here, click the "watching" button in the top right. Learn more about watching here

Issues are written in Markdown (of course!) and you can find nice hints about formatting along the top of the issue box when you are typing.

Feel free to respond with any questions about how to use issues, and/or to open issues on any topic you want!

:sunglasses: , Andrew

JoeyBernhardt commented 8 years ago

Hey @aammd, is there homework for tomorrow's class? I remember you mentioning at the end of class something about updating the README for our repo, but I can't find any details on the website.

Thank you!

aammd commented 8 years ago

oops! :flushed: I meant to send a reminder about that. Thanks @JoeyBernhardt ! I've re-described the project in #2