BIOL548O / Discussion

A repository for course discussion in BIOL548O
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A minature Garden of Data Cleaning problems #17

Open aammd opened 8 years ago

aammd commented 8 years ago

@BIOL548O/all ,

Just a quick idea: what if we have another repository here, one that everyone in the course can push to. This repo would hold little examples of the different data manipulations that people are encountering in their homework.

Such a repo might be a helpful reference, since I am finding that many of your are encountering problems that are a bit more involved than what we looked at in class!

However I don't want to compromise anybody's data by making it public on the Internet. I suggest that we work with "Minimal Reproducible examples": tiny subsets of your data file(s), even just the first few lines and/or a few columns. Whatever is the minimum data necessary to demonstrate the problem and the solution.

Who's interested?! All responses welcome, from "Oh yes please!" :joy_cat: to "Andrew, you're trying too hard" :persevere:

JoeyBernhardt commented 8 years ago

I'd be interested in this! It will also be good practice for working with minimal reproducible examples...something I would like to get better at!

estum002 commented 8 years ago

I think that would be super helpful!