BIOL548O / Discussion

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Homework 1 #2

Closed aammd closed 8 years ago

aammd commented 8 years ago

Hello @BIOL548O/2016_students ,

A quick reminder about the homework for tomorrow: The goal is to turn your README into a description of the project that you're working on. I'm thinking something of modest length, about as long as an abstract (i.e. about 300 words). Feel free to explore different ways of illustrating your work: tables, species names in italics, or bulleted lists. I've seen some people include photos or images, which I think is very effective.

This activity has several goals:

  1. Get comfortable with the basics of git and github. These are two very useful tools, which will help you in dealing with data AND many other projects throughout your career.
  2. Learn some Markdown, also very useful.
  3. Most importantly: to provide a public-facing introduction to the research that is going to live in this project. One day, when our work is ready for publication and communication, these READMEs will help to orient people to our projects.

Looking to practice some Markdown? Try this short Markdown tutorial: Its not very long, and when you complete it you'll be a Markdown know-it-all (literally: you'll know nearly all of it)