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Homework 2 and some notes #33

Open aammd opened 7 years ago

aammd commented 7 years ago

Hello @BIOL548O/2017_students !

I've edited the website to add a separate page for Homework 2 and some notes on reading in data as well as the exercises from yesterday

aammd commented 7 years ago

ahem. notes for reading in data are actually here.

Let me know if you have any questions (remember to mention me by using @aammd so I get an email). We can discuss things either here in the Discussion repo or on your private repository, whichever you prefer.


katcheung commented 7 years ago

Hey @aammd,

I'm having some troubles finding the correct scripts to do what I want. If you have a chance to look at my raw data, it isn't set up in a way that's easy to manipulate without losing information like the treatment temperature or the time/date in which the tests were run. I'd like to rename all my columns and fill in blank cells with information so I can transform it but I can't seem to rename and fill in the cells. I keep getting errors from R which are incomprehensible. Let me know if you can help or if I can fidget my excel data to simplify life.

Thanks, Katherine

aammd commented 7 years ago

Hi @katcheung ,

I'll respond in an issue within your repository so I can be more specific!


aesmith2 commented 7 years ago

Hi @aammd,

The link attached to week 2 Thursday "we’ll practice tidying data with wide format gapminder" doesn't work.


aammd commented 7 years ago

hi @aesmith2 ,

Thanks for catching that! those were dead links to material we didn't use this year. instead we focussed on the lecture_4_exercises repository.

I've edited the website to exclude the missing links