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Finding data for scienceisfiction #7

Closed aammd closed 8 years ago

aammd commented 8 years ago

Hello @scienceisfiction,

In the pre-course survey, you indicated that you don't have any data. Experience with real data is more useful to you than working through exercises with your own messy data. Therefore, I wanted to have a discussion with you about what kind of data you might be able to use.

Here are some suggestions (ranked very loosely from most to least helpful):

If none of the above datasets work, we'll have to find something else. This could be a part of the Kaggle dataset, the candy dataset, or some other random dataset you enjoy. I could also give you some of my own data which are still unpublished.

Which of these options appeals most to you? Let's try to figure this out by Thursday.


aammd commented 8 years ago

Hey there @scienceisfiction . Just confirming what we were discussing yesterday -- you'll be working with some data that you have from your supervisor. It sounds like it will provide a really useful challenge!

scienceisfiction commented 8 years ago

Yes! Let me double check with Doug to make sure he's OK with that but otherwise that's the plan.