BLAKE2 official implementations
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Reference Implementation for Blake2 parameter block #82

Open R1kM opened 3 months ago

R1kM commented 3 months ago


As part of ongoing work on verifying implementations of Blake2, I am looking for a reference implementation of Blake2 with parameter blocks. As far as I understand, the current implementation in ref/ implements the newer Blake2x, which has some minor differences (for instance addition of the xof_length parameter, different ranges allowed for some other parameters).

Is a reference implementation available somewhere? Additionally, are there existing test vectors exercising the parameters that would help validating formal specifications?

Thanks in advance cc @protz

sneves commented 3 months ago

The original parameter block can be found in an earlier release tag, for example.

I'm not sure test vectors were ever produced for anything other than the regular and keyed variants (since various tree parameters would also imply tree hashing choices that were not implemented).