BLAKE3-team / BLAKE3

the official Rust and C implementations of the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function
Apache License 2.0
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Consider multi-message batching #386

Open riptl opened 9 months ago

riptl commented 9 months ago


The current blake3 crate leaves a lot of single core performance on the table for message sizes below 8 KiB.

Namely, it doesn't SIMD parallelize hashing for small messages.

As a PoC, I've rewritten a BLAKE3 scheduler from scratch with a modified AVX2 backend:

When hashing many independent 2 KiB messages concurrently, my implementation does 25 Gbps, while the C implementation does ~7 Gbps.


I would like to contribute back my changes to this official library. My code is Apache-2.0 licensed, so feel free to copy from it.

Suggested Changes

There are three major pieces required:

  1. Adapt the SIMD backends to do work off each lane independently, namely:
    • Support lane masking (if one AVX lane finishes hashing before another does) -- Currently, all lanes are always active
    • Support independent chunk counters and flags -- the current backend assumes a contiguous range of chunks or parents
  2. Adapt the scheduler to dispatch operations from in-flight hash calcuations to the SIMD backend concurrently
    • I'm not sure if the hash tree scheduling algorithm proposed in the BLAKE3 paper is capable of doing so.
    • When queueing operations for an in-flight hash state, and we're unable to have enough chunks to hash in parallel to meet the SIMD degree, the algorithm should yield to the next in-flight hash state, before actually starting to hash.
    • I've rewritten the scheduler from scratch, but it requires log2(chunk_cnt) * simd_degree * 32 working space per hash state. The algorithm I came up with is unfortunately much more complex than the elegant stack-based one in the paper.
  3. Adapt the high-level API to tell the scheduler if there are multiple in-flight hash states
    • The simplest way is a new function call: fn blake3_multi(messages: &[&[u8]]) -> Vec<[u8; 32]>
    • Another way is to use thread-local storage to keep track of streaming operations on the current thread
      s1 := Blake3::new()
      s2 := Blake3::new()
      s1.append("abcd");  // registers this append operation as a thread-local
      hash2 := s2.fini();  // finds that s1 is also queued via thread-locals, so hashes both s1 and s2
      hash1 := s1.fini();  // no-op! the result is already available
recmo commented 2 months ago

Hashing many very short (< 128 byte) messages is a very important use-case for Merkle-trees and Proof-of-Work, both are major compute bottlenecks in transparent SNARKs (e.g. FRI/Ligero/Basefold like).

It looks like the docs-hidden api Platform::hash_many can support this? I will try this.

ripatel-fd commented 2 months ago

@recmo Please note the hash_many API is used to hash multiple chunks, not multiple messages. Internally, hash_many distributes chunks across SIMD lanes for high byte-per-cycle throughput. A chunk is a leaf node in the BLAKE3 hash tree. Messages smaller than 1024 bytes have exactly one chunk. However, chunks are made up of a variable number of blocks (ceil(data_sz/64)). Finally, hash_many requires that each provided chunk has the same number of blocks.

So, hash_many will work for your use-case only if each message in your batch has the same number of 64-byte blocks (ceil(message_sz/64)). Because this is a lower-level API, you'd need to figure out the flags and counter arguments yourself from the BLAKE3 paper.

My BLAKE3 rewrite linked above is more flexible:

Happy to dust it off and get it up to speed if needed.

ripatel-fd commented 2 months ago

cc @zookozcash is there any renewed interest in supporting batched hashing of messages with different sizes?