BLAM-Lab-Projects / experiment-code

Note: As of June 2017, AW is no longer supporting this version of the code. Recommended switching over to the SDL2 repository.
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What naming conventions to use? #2

Open aforren1 opened 8 years ago

aforren1 commented 8 years ago

I was going to do a first pass on cleaning the code later today, and this seems like a pretty straightforward fix. Right now, there seems to be a variety of naming conventions for variables and functions, including under_scores, camelCase, UpperCamelCase, and CAPS.

I was thinking of mostly following the guide here. This ought to improve readability in a fairly substantial way.

Any opinions, objections?

adrianhaith commented 8 years ago

Seems like a good idea to standardize the naming conventions. The conventions in that link seem fine to me, with the exception that we do already have a pretty solid convention that constants defined in the config file are all capitals with an underscore. (e.g. MY_CONSTANT). Seems no need to change that.

awong26 commented 8 years ago

If you systematically go through and change variable names to match any set of conventions, just note that the ascension (Flock of Birds/trakSTAR) and maybe some of the other objects etc use different naming conventions that may not quite match whatever conventions decided on.

aforren1 commented 8 years ago

Sure, would it make sense to leave those names as-is, or make aliases to match whatever we might settle on? Option 2 provides a more consistent API, and option 1 provides a less complex API.

awong26 commented 8 years ago

I think option 1. Option 2 is setting a bad precedent if we have to integrate other APIs. Also, I've had to deal with extra layers of code like that before and it quickly becomes a nightmare trying to trace things back to the original API if you need additional functionality or control.