BLeeEZ / amperfy

Amperfy is an iOS app to play songs from an Ampache or Subsonic server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Navidrome not working if downloads are disabled (transcoding) #201

Closed stonie08 closed 2 days ago

stonie08 commented 7 months ago

I can't play any music with Amperfy 1.1.3 and Navidrome 0.49.3 if downloads are disabled on the server side. If "Auto cache played songs" is enabled in the app I get "API Error Status Code: 50 downloads are disabled", which seems fine given that caching the songs kinda implies downloading them. However, if the auto cache function is disabled, I don't get an error message but no music is playing either. Other clients can play music fine with the same Navidrome instance and config.

Steps to reproduce:

BLeeEZ commented 2 months ago

I think this error could be fixed when Amperfy gets transcoding support in the next big version.

BLeeEZ commented 2 months ago

Transcoding is implemented in 16e9bed.

BLeeEZ commented 3 weeks ago

This feature can be tested in the newest beta v1.2.1 (2):

BLeeEZ commented 1 week ago

Did you have time test the feature? Is it behaving as you expected?

stonie08 commented 1 week ago

I just tried it and played around with the settings a bit. Overall it seems to work fine now. I tried some configurations for transcoding and caching and couldn't make the app not play a song. Thank you!

A small UX thing I did notice is that if downloads are disabled on the server and in the app I set a Max bitrate for streaming (wifi and cellular), set to streaming format (transcoding) to Raw/Original and the Cache Format (Transcoding) to Raw/ Original I get a big red "Download Status Code: 50 downloads are disabled", which makes sense given the descirpiton below on the settings page, but is a bit intrusive given that the music plays fine and the message reappears for every single song.

Likely worth mentioning, but also separate issue: the description below "Cache Format (Transcoding)" mentions a stream setting for server side transcoding, but there's no "stream" setting.

BLeeEZ commented 1 week ago

To avoid this error message you can do two things: Either activate transcoding for cache or deactivate "Auto cache played Songs".

The mentioned description: If you activate cache transcoding, Amperfy needs to use the Subsonic API action "stream" since the Subsonic API action "download" does not allow to provide a transcoding format. I display that info so the user knows that even if download is not allowed on server side it is still possible to save songs for offline play. I heard from other users that they don't want to use the API action "stream" and always want to use the API action "download".