BLeeEZ / amperfy

Amperfy is an iOS app to play songs from an Ampache or Subsonic server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Album and Artist lists empty in CarPlay #243

Closed Batwam closed 2 months ago

Batwam commented 2 months ago

I have Navidrome set up and can see artists and album in the mobile app. I can play music and the song name /cover will show on CarPlay. However in Carplay, both Artist and Album lists are completely empty so I am unable to scroll to select an Album or Artist. All I can do is access is access the content of Favorites and Recently Added so that works at least.

I reset my library in Amperfy but it’s still the same.

Would anyone have any idea how to troubleshoot this?

BLeeEZ commented 2 months ago

Have you testes the recent TestFlight version 1.2.0 (2)? There should CarPlay be fixed.

Batwam commented 2 months ago

Ok, just tested although I'm a bit confused with the updated UI which lists everything on the same page. Hopefully it's just something for the testing version.

I can now see Albums heading witj Favorites/Newest/Recently player. This give me a few more albums to pick from but I can still only pick the albums from these categories so not a full list of albums or artists. Should there be a full list of all Albums somewhere?

For Artists, all I have is a list of Favorites so no full list of Recently Played section there, only Favorites.

BLeeEZ commented 2 months ago

Regarding that I want to point to that discussion:

Batwam commented 2 months ago

Oh, I see. That's interesting as they certainly include the full list my entire phone book under Contacts.

I'll try the Siri button then

Am I meant to have a Recently Played section for Artists?

Batwam commented 2 months ago

Ok, I can confirm that I can search songs using Siri and now understand that the app never intended to display a full list of Artists/Albums.

I have some comments on the app but they as far as this issue is concerned, I believe that this is now clarified/closed.