BLeeEZ / amperfy

Amperfy is an iOS app to play songs from an Ampache or Subsonic server
GNU General Public License v3.0
383 stars 34 forks source link

Suggestion regarding the 1.2 update #248

Open PassiveLemon opened 2 months ago

PassiveLemon commented 2 months ago

With the introduction of a lot of changes in the 1.2 update, I noticed that the back option was removed (in the iOS media player). In place of the back button is a menu to favorite songs. I think an option to toggle that would be an appropriate feature for those who don't favorite songs. I would also like a way to stop playback altogether, either with an X button or by sliding the song away. I remember this being possible before the update. I'm also not a fan of the smaller library options but that isn't really important.

Overall, the update was pretty successful. The UI looks nice and a few problems regarding crashing and performance appear to be fixed.