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Jared/Organization Issues with Variable Naming #3

Closed dlezcan1 closed 4 months ago

dlezcan1 commented 5 months ago

On many files, the renamed variable names are renamed to actual class name, which can confuse software. These should be renamed to a name that is not their class name. Examples that are found are:

These have repeated variable names, one scoped inside function, the other in the class member. It is better to name non-static member variables m_XXXXX, and static member variables, s_YYYY. This avoids any naming conflicts and makes it easily readable which variables are static and are members.

dlezcan1 commented 5 months ago

One thing that could be helpful is understanding how some example swerve drive code has worked, so that we can have better consistency. Here is a repository I found helpful:

dlezcan1 commented 5 months ago

Also helpful examples of SparkMax Java code: