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Enable a Caching Mechanism for projects Dropdown #450

Closed VladaTW closed 1 year ago

VladaTW commented 1 year ago

BMMRO do not always have the Internet access. Given the list of the projects are currently stored in firestore, we need to list the projects in the dropdown even if it is offline in the encounter data sheet. (Hint: investigate Firestore's Offline Persistance)

As a researcher, (caching) Given I open the encounter datasheet When I use the project dropdown and the app is offline (no network calls to firestore) Then I should be able to see the list of projects from firestore in the project dropdown

As a researcher, (online mode) Given I open the encounter datasheet When I use the project dropdown and the app is online Then I should be able to see the list of projects from firestore in the project dropdown

As a researcher, (updating the cache) Given I open the encounter datasheet When I use the project dropdown and the app is online When the project list is updated Then I should be able to see the list of updated projects from firestore in the project dropdown